Fish living in the Atlantic Ocean

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Grunt, Bluestriped

Grunt, Bluestriped

Latin name Haemulon sciurus Other names Spanish: ronco catire. Identification The bluestriped g..

Grunt, French

Grunt, French

Latin name Haemulon flavolineatum Other names Spanish: ronco amarillo. Identification Its color..

Grunt, White

Grunt, White

Latin name Haemulon plumieri Other names Redmouth; Spanish: ronco margariteño. Identification T..



Latin name Sphyraena guachancho Other names Guachanche barracuda; Spanish: picuda guaguanche; Fre..

Guitarfish, Atlantic

Guitarfish, Atlantic

Latin name Rhinobatos lentiginosus Other names French: poisson-guitarre tacheté; Italian: pesce v..



Latin name Melanogrammus aeglefinus Other names Haddie, scrod; French: eglefin; Italian: asinello..



Latin name Myxine glutinosa Other names Atlantic Hagfish Identification Fish-like vertebrates, ..

Hake, Red

Hake, Red

Latin name Urophycis chuss Other names Squirrel hake, ling; French: merluche éureuil; Spanish: lo..

Hake, Silver

Hake, Silver

Latin name Merluccius bilinearis Other names Atlantic hake, whiting, frostfish; French: merlu arg..

Halfbeaks and Balao

Halfbeaks and Balao

Latin name Hemiramphus balao and Hyporhamphus unifasciatus Other names French: demi-bec; Spanish:..

Halibut, Atlantic

Halibut, Atlantic

Latin name Hippoglossus hippoglossus Other names Common halibut, giant halibut, right-eyed flound..

Herring, Atlantic

Herring, Atlantic

Latin name Clupea harengus Other names Herring; Danish: Atlantisk sild, sild; Finnish: silakka, s..

Hind, Rock

Hind, Rock

Latin name Epinephelus adscensionis Other names Grouper, jack, rock cod; French: mérou oualioua; ..

Jack, Almaco

Jack, Almaco

Latin name Seriola rivoliana Other names Amberjack, greater amberjack, longfin yellowtail; Afrika..

Jack, Bar

Jack, Bar

Latin name Caranx ruber Other names Runner, skipjack; Spanish: cojinua carbonera, cojinua negra, ..

Showing 46 to 60 of 163 (11 Pages)