Fish living in the Atlantic Ocean

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Catfish, Gafftopsail

Catfish, Gafftopsail

Latin name Bagre marinus Other names Bandera, sailboat cat, gafftopsail sea catfish, gafftop cat,..

Chub, Bermuda

Chub, Bermuda

Latin name Kyphosus sectatrix Other names Bermuda sea chub; French: calicagère blanche; Spanish: ..



Latin name Rachycentron canadum Other names Ling, cabio, lemonfish, crab-eater, flathead, black s..

Cod, Atlantic

Cod, Atlantic

Latin name Gadus morhua Other names Cod, codfish, codling, scrod; French: morue de l’Atlantique; ..



Latin name Cephalopholis fulva Other names French: coné ouatalibi; Spanish: canario, cherna cabri..

Croaker, Atlantic

Croaker, Atlantic

Latin name Micropogonias undulatus Other names Сroaker, crocus, golden cracker, hardhead, king bi..

Dogfish, Spiny

Dogfish, Spiny

Latin name Squalus acanthias Other names Dogfish, dog shark, grayfish, Pacific grayfish, Pacific ..

Dolphin, Common

Dolphin, Common

Latin name Coryphaena hippurus Other names Dolphinfish, common dolphinfish, mahimahi, mahi mahi, ..

Dolphin, Pompano

Dolphin, Pompano

Latin name Coryphaena equiselis Other names Mahimahi, blue dolphin, small dolphin, dolphinfish, p..

Drum, Black

Drum, Black

Latin name Pogonias cromis Other names Drum, sea drum, common drum, banded drum, butterfly drum, ..

Drum, Red

Drum, Red

Latin name Sciaenops ocellatus Other names Channel bass, redfish, rat red (schooling juveniles le..

Eel, American Conger

Eel, American Conger

Latin name Conger oceanicus Other names Conger, dog eel, sea eel, silver eel; French: congre d’Am..

Eels, Moray

Eels, Moray

Latin name Gymnothorax funebris Other names Green Moray Eel Identification The body of a typic..

Eels, Snake

Eels, Snake

Latin name Ophichtus macrorhynchus Other names Snake Eel Identification Snake eels of the famil..

Flounder, Gulf

Flounder, Gulf

Latin name Paralichthys albigutta Other names Flounder; Spanish: lenguado tres ojos. Identificat..

Showing 16 to 30 of 163 (11 Pages)