Fish living in the Atlantic Ocean
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Latin name
Calamus bajonado
Other names
Porgy; Spanish: pluma bajonado.
The body..
Latin name
Seriphus politus
Other names
Herring, herring croaker, kingfish, shiner, queen croaker..
Latin name
No information
Other names
Lesser Electric Ray, Atlantic Manta, Smalltooth Sawfish, So..
Latin name
Echeneis naucrates
Other names
They are slender fish with..
Latin name
Sebastes paucispinis
Other names
Body prostrate. Head elonga..
Latin name
Caranx crysos
Other names
Hardtail, hard-tailed jack, runner; French: carangue coubali..
Latin name
Elagatis bipinnulata
Other names
Runner, rainbow yellowtail, skipjack, shoemaker, Hawa..
Latin name
Istiophorus platypterus
Other names
Spindlebeak, bayonetfish; French: voilier, espadon..
Latin name
Salmo salar
Other names
Sea-run fish, grilse, grilt, fiddler, Kennebec salmon; Danish ..
Latin name
Ammodytes americanus, Ammodytes dubius, Ammodytes hexapterus
Other names
Sand launce, ..
Latin name
Stenotomus chrysops
Other names
The fish are inconspicuous in a..
Latin name
Centropristis striata
Other names
Blackfish, sea bass, black bass, black will, black s..
Latin name
Cynoscion arenarius
Other names
White trout, sand weakfish, white weakfish.
Latin name
Cynoscion nothus
Other names
Silver trout, silver weakfish.
The color..
Latin name
Sphyraena borealis
Other names
Northern Sennet, southern sennet
No in..
Showing 91 to 105 of 163 (11 Pages)