Fauna of the Irminger Sea

Many species of marine animals such as whales, seals, walruses and dolphins can be found in the Irminger Sea. There are commercial stocks of Sebastes mentella in the pelagic part of the area and stocks of Coryphaenoides rupestris and Splendid alfonsino in the northern part. 

Common fish in the Irminger Sea

Mackerel pike northern (Scomberesox saurus saurus)

Cusk (Brosme brosme)

Common ling (Molva molva)

Blue ling (Molva dipterigia dipterigia) 

Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua morhua) 

Coryphaenoides rupestris 

Macrourus berglax

Splendid alfonsino (Beryx splendens)  

Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama) 

Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus)

Anarhichas minor (Anarhichas minor) 

Northern wolffish (Anarhichas denticulatus) 

Centrolophus niger 

Sebastes mentella 

Golden grouper (Sebastes marinus)

Sebastes viviparus

Sharks of the Irminger Sea

Alopias vulpinus - Common thresher 

Carcharodon carcharias - Great white shark 

Lamna nasus - Porbeagle 

Cetorhinus maximus - Basking shark 

Somniosus microcephalus - Greenland shark 

Atlantic cod

Atlantic cod

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is a marine fish of the cod family. Body length up to 170 cm, weight up ..

Atlantic pomfret

Atlantic pomfret

Latin nameBrama bramaOther namesRay's breamIdentificationThe body is large, strongly compressed at t..

Atlantic saury

Atlantic saury

Latin nameScomberesox saurusOther namesAtlantic saury, Sauri atlantik (albanian), Makreelgeep (dutch..

Beaked redfish

Beaked redfish

Latin nameSebastes mentellaOther namesDeepwater redfin, ocean perch, Atlantic redfish, Norway haddoc..

Black ruff

Black ruff

Latin nameCentrolophus nigerOther namesBlackfish, black ruff, rudderfish (english); centrolophe pomp..

Blue ling

Blue ling

Latin nameMolva dypterygiaOther namesBlauwe leng (Dutch), Γλαυκοποντικόψαρο (Gljafkopondikopsaro) (G..

Blue whiting

Blue whiting

Latin nameMicromesistius poutassouOther namesMerluci blu (Albanian), Kék puha tőkehal (Hungarian), B..

Cod, Atlantic

Cod, Atlantic

Latin name Gadus morhua Other names Cod, codfish, codling, scrod; French: morue de l’Atlantique; ..

Common ling

Common ling

Latin nameMolva molvaOther namesWhite lin, lingIdentificationThese fish have an elongated body and a..



Latin nameBrosme brosmeOther namesEuropean cusk, brosmiusIdentificationHas an elongated body covered..

Golden grouper

Golden grouper

Latin nameSaloptia powelliOther namesPink grouper, Powell's grouperIdentificationThe golden grouper ..

Greenland Shark

Greenland Shark

Latin nameSomniosus microcephalusOther namesGurry shark, grey shark, Somniosus microcephalusIdentifi..

Northern wolffish

Northern wolffish

Latin nameAnarhichas denticulatusOther namesBlue sea cat, jelly catIdentificationThe body is elongat..

Norway redfish

Norway redfish

Latin nameSebastes viviparusOther namesSmall redfish, lesser redfish, Norway haddock, ocean perch, r..

Rock grenadier

Rock grenadier

Latin nameCoryphaenoides rupestrisOther namesRoundnose grenadier, roundhead rat-tail, grenadier de r..

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