
Freshwater fish spend part or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 1.05%.

Darters: Johnny Darter

Darters: Johnny Darter

Latin name Etheostoma nigrum Other names No information Identification There are three known ge..

Dolly Varden, Bull Trout

Dolly Varden, Bull Trout

Latin name Salvelinus malma, Salvelinus confluentus Other names Bull charr, western brook trout, ..

Drum, Freshwater

Drum, Freshwater

Latin name Aplodinotus grunniens Other names Sheepshead, croaker, grunt, drum, silver bass, thund..

Drum, Red

Drum, Red

Latin name Sciaenops ocellatus Other names Channel bass, redfish, rat red (schooling juveniles le..

Eel, American

Eel, American

Latin name Anguilla rostrata Other names Silver eel, Atlantic eel, common eel, yellowbellied eel,..



Latin name Semotilus corporalis Other names Windfish, silver chub. Identification The body of t..

Gar, Alligator

Gar, Alligator

Latin name Lepisosteus spatula Other names Garpike; French: garpique alligator; Spanish: gaspar b..

Gar, Florida

Gar, Florida

Latin name Lepisosteus platyrhincus Other names No information Identification The body of the F..

Gar, Longnose

Gar, Longnose

Latin name Lepisosteus osseus Other names French: garpique longnez; Spanish: gaspar picudo. Iden..

Gar, Shortnose

Gar, Shortnose

Latin name Lepisosteus platostomus Other names No information Identification The body is long a..

Gar, Spotted

Gar, Spotted

Latin name Lepisosteus oculatus Other names French: garpique tachetée; Spanish: gaspar pintado. ..



Latin name Hiodon alosoides Other names Winnipeg goldeye, western goldeye, shad mooneye, toothed ..

Grass pickerel, Redfin pickerel

Grass pickerel, Redfin pickerel

Latin name Esox americanus vermiculatus, Esox americanus americanus Other names Banded pickerel, ..

Grayling, Arctic

Grayling, Arctic

Latin name Thymallus arcticus Other names American grayling, arctic trout, Back’s grayling, bluef..



Latin name Clupea Other names American Shad, Atlantic Herring, Alewife, Threadfin Shad Identific..

Showing 46 to 60 of 148 (10 Pages)