
Freshwater fish spend part or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 1.05%.

Salmon, Sockeye

Salmon, Sockeye

Latin name Oncorhynchus nerka Other names Sockeye, red salmon, blueback salmon, big redfish; Fren..



Latin nameSander luciopercaOther namesZander, pikeperchIdentificationThere are 8-12 short, broad, br..



Latin name Stizostedion canadense Other names Sand pickerel, sand pike, blue pickerel, pike, gray..



Latin name Stizostedion vitreum x S. canadense Other names No information Identification The sa..

Shad, Alabama

Shad, Alabama

Latin name Alosa alabamae Other names Gulf shad, Ohio shad. Identification It has a large termi..

Shad, American

Shad, American

Latin name Alosa sapidissima Other names Poor man’s salmon, common shad, Atlantic shad, Connectic..

Shad, Gizzard

Shad, Gizzard

Latin name Dorosoma cepedianum Other names Shad, eastern gizzard, hickory shad, mud shad, nanny s..

Shad, Hickory

Shad, Hickory

Latin name Alosa mediocris Other names Shad herring, hickory jack, freshwater taylor, fall herrin..

Shad, Threadfin

Shad, Threadfin

Latin name Dorosoma petenense Other names No information Identification The threadfin shad has ..

Shiner, Common

Shiner, Common

Latin name Luxilus cornutus Other names No information Identification The common shiner is silv..

Shiner, Emerald

Shiner, Emerald

Latin name Notropis atherinoides Other names Buckeye, shiner, lake shiner, lake emerald shiner, c..

Shiner, Golden

Shiner, Golden

Latin name Notemigonus crysoleucas Other names Roach, shad roach, shiner, pond shiner. Identific..

Shiner, Striped

Shiner, Striped

Latin name Luxilus chrysocephalus Other names Shiner Identification The striped shiner is a sil..

Siamese fighting fish

Siamese fighting fish

Latin nameBetta splendensOther nameBettaIdentificationThe body of the Siamese fighting fish is oval,..

Smelt, Rainbow

Smelt, Rainbow

Latin name Osmerus mordax Other names American smelt, frostfish, leefish, toothed smelt, freshwat..

Showing 91 to 105 of 152 (11 Pages)