Freshwater fish spend part or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 1.05%.
Latin name
Other names
American Shad, Atlantic Herring, Alewife, Threadfin Shad
Latin name
Clupea harengus
Other names
Herring; Danish: Atlantisk sild, sild; Finnish: silakka, s..
Latin name
Clupea pallasii
Other names
Herring, north Pacific herring; French: hareng Pacifique; ..
Latin name
Hypentelium nigricans
Other names
Sucker, hog sucker.
The Northern Ho..
Latin nameGyrinocheilus aymonieriOther nameSucking loach, siamese algae-eater, Chinese algae eater.I..
Latin name
Stenodus leucichthys
Other names
Sheefish, connie, Eskimo tarpon; Russian: beloribitsa..
Latin name
Elops saurus
Other names
Tenpounder, ubarana, malacho.
The ladyfish h..
Latin name
Petromyzon marinus
Other names
Lamprey eel, stone sucker, nannie nine eyes (U.K.); Dan..
Latin name
Noturus phaeus
Other names
No information
Brown madtom has a dull col..
Latin name
Noturus funebris
Other names
No information
The madtom is recognized ..
Latin name
Pimephales promelas
Other names
Minnow; French: tête de boule.
The fa..
Latin name
Notemigonus crysoleucas
Other names
No information
Minnows are charac..
Latin name
Hiodon tergisus
Other names
Amphiodon Rafinesque, Clodalus Rafinesque, Elattonistius G..
Latin name
Gambusia affinis affinis
Other names
No information
The male anal fin..
Latin name
Mugil cephalus, Mugil curema
Other names
Striped mullet, white mullet, flathead g..
Showing 61 to 75 of 151 (11 Pages)