
Freshwater fish spend part or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 1.05%.

Catfish, Channel

Catfish, Channel

Latin name Ictalurus punctatus Other names Сatfish, river catfish, fiddler, blue channel catfish,..

Catfish, Flathead

Catfish, Flathead

Latin name Pylodictus olivaris Other names Mud cat, muddy, shovelhead, shovelnose, yellow cat, ap..

Catfish, White

Catfish, White

Latin name Ameiurus catus Other names Catfish Identification White catfish resemble a cross bet..

Catfish: Channel Catfish

Catfish: Channel Catfish

Latin name Ictalurus punctatus Other names No information Identification Most catfish have no s..

Charr, Arctic

Charr, Arctic

Latin name  Salvelinus alpinus Other names Seagoing fish: char, red charr; Cree: awanans; Da..

Charr: Brook Trout

Charr: Brook Trout

Latin name Salvelinus fontinalus Other names No information Identification The charr group incl..



Identification River chub is an olive-coloured fish with a strong body, large scales and light yell..

Chub, Creek

Chub, Creek

Latin name Semotilus atromaculatus Other names Horned dace, common chub, brook chub, mud chub. I..

Chub, Hornyhead

Chub, Hornyhead

Latin name Nocomis biguttatus Other names Redtail chub Identification The body of the hornyhead..

Chubsucker: Lake Chubsucker

Chubsucker: Lake Chubsucker

Latin name Erimyzon oblongus Other names No information Identification Chubsuckers are characte..



Latin name Coregonus spp Other names Gray back, tullibee, lake herring, whitefish. Identificatio..

Crappie, Black

Crappie, Black

Latin name Pomoxis nigromaculatus Other names Speckled perch, calico bass, grass bass, speckled b..

Crappie, White

Crappie, White

Latin name Pomoxis annularus Other names Crappie, speckled perch, speckled bass, calico bass, sac..



Latin name Rhinichthys cataractae Other names No information Identification Dace have a slender..

Dace, Blacknose

Dace, Blacknose

Latin name Rhinichthys atratulus Other names Eastern blacknose dace, brook minnow, potbelly, redf..

Showing 31 to 45 of 152 (11 Pages)