Dictionary of Ichthyology
This dictionary of ichthyology contains specialist terms used in the teaching of undergraduate students. The terms are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference.
In addition to ichthyology, terms from hydrobiology, zoology, anatomy, fish farming and other related disciplines are included.
Where terms have different interpretations, we have assigned the most common interpretation in our view.
This dictionary is constantly being added to and modified.
If you do not agree with the above interpretation of the Terms, please explain your understanding in the comments to these Terms.
We invite you to participate in the development of a modern ichthyological vocabulary.
We will consider any criticism and take it into account when describing dictionary terms.
Boreogadus saida
Boreogadus saida is a marine fish of the cod family. The eyes are large. There is a very short anten..
Botal network
A net is a fishing gear made of woven threads, or a netting tool, used in fisheries to catch fish in..
From the word botat, to knock loudly.Catching fish with a special wide net called a botalo. A botalo..
A method of fishing with fixed nets in clogged or overgrown areas of water bodies.Botnet fishing was..
Bottom fish
Fish that live near the bottom (podkamenchiki, ruffe, Siberian char, flounder and many others) and f..
Bottom sampler
Bottom sampler is a hydrobiological device for quantitative and qualitative accounting of benthos or..
Severe poisoning caused by the presence of anaerobic bacteria in food. The bacteria usually develop ..
Brackish-water fishes
Brackish-water fishes are fish that live in brackish waters of lakes, sponges, estuaries and desalin..
The Latin is encephalon, the ancient Greek is ἐγκέφαλος.The cerebrum is the forebrain of the central..
Branchial arch
The gill arch, the internal supporting skeleton of an individual gill, is a plate on which the stame..
Branching Rays
The fins are supported by the dorsal rays. There are two types of rays: branched and unbranched.Bran..
The bream (Abramis brama) is a fish of the carp family. It inhabits water bodies of Europe, Asia, an..
Broad whitefish
The broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus) is a lake and river fish of the genus Coregonus. The body is l..
Brown trout
Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is a passerine fish of the noble salmon genus. It has numerous spots, oft..
Bugs are rhombic-shaped bony plates formed as a result of the fusion of ganoid scales. They are loca..