Dictionary of Ichthyology
This dictionary of ichthyology contains specialist terms used in the teaching of undergraduate students. The terms are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference.
In addition to ichthyology, terms from hydrobiology, zoology, anatomy, fish farming and other related disciplines are included.
Where terms have different interpretations, we have assigned the most common interpretation in our view.
This dictionary is constantly being added to and modified.
If you do not agree with the above interpretation of the Terms, please explain your understanding in the comments to these Terms.
We invite you to participate in the development of a modern ichthyological vocabulary.
We will consider any criticism and take it into account when describing dictionary terms.
Batomorphi is a superorder of cartilaginous fishes. The body is flattened. On the ventral side of th..
The small bay, deep inland and sheltered from the wind, has its own hydrological regime.A bay is a p..
Smooth bends in the bed of a plain river, the radius of curvature of which depends on the water-bear..
From the Greek benthos - depth, the bottom of a body of water, inhabited by microorganisms, plants a..
Benthic fish
The names of fish that spend most of their lives on or near the bottom of the sea (the latter are al..
From the Greek bénthos - depth.The aggregate of organisms living on and in the substrate of marine a..
Bentophages are benthic eaters, organisms that feed on plant or animal benthos.Their diet is dominat..
Bester (from the first syllables of the words beluga and sterlet).A hybrid obtained by artificial cr..
Bighead carp
Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) is a freshwater fish of the mottled bighead carp family. I..
Latin bilis, Ancient Greek χολή.Bile is a secret produced by the glandular cells of the liver. It co..
From biocenosis and Greek λόγος - word, doctrine, science.The science that studies the life of anima..
The totality of plants, fungi, micro-organisms and animals that inhabit a given area (water body, se..
From the Greek bios - life and diagnosticos - able to detect - identification of causes or factors o..
A term that has been widely used since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ..
Biogenic elements
Chemical elements that are constantly included in the composition of organisms and are vital to them..