Dictionary of Ichthyology
This dictionary of ichthyology contains specialist terms used in the teaching of undergraduate students. The terms are arranged alphabetically for ease of reference.
In addition to ichthyology, terms from hydrobiology, zoology, anatomy, fish farming and other related disciplines are included.
Where terms have different interpretations, we have assigned the most common interpretation in our view.
This dictionary is constantly being added to and modified.
If you do not agree with the above interpretation of the Terms, please explain your understanding in the comments to these Terms.
We invite you to participate in the development of a modern ichthyological vocabulary.
We will consider any criticism and take it into account when describing dictionary terms.
A homogeneous area of the Earth's surface with a particular composition of living organisms (biocoen..
Hydrobionts with special requirements for the state of the environment. Their presence, condition an..
Biological justification for the introduction of acclimatization objects
A summary of information containing biological and ecological characteristics of introducers, their ..
Biological oxygen consumption
The amount of oxygen consumed in the biochemical oxidation of dissolved organic matter.Biochemical o..
Biological productivity of the reservoir
Water productivity is the amount of organic matter produced in a water body by its inhabitants per u..
Biological reclamation of water bodies
Reclamation (Latin re - prefix indicating renewal or repetition of action; cultivo - to cultivate, t..
Biological survival
The number of fish that have reached sexual maturity from currently available source material (eggs..
Biological water treatment
The process of treating domestic and industrial wastewater based on the biochemical decomposition of..
The name comes from the ancient Greek βίος "life" + Latin lumen "light" + Latin escendere "to shine"..
Conscious modification of community structure or management of certain species interactions using bi..
Biomass (or biomass weight) is the total mass of plants, animals and other organisms present in an e..
From the Greek biōn - element of life, literally - living.A branch of cybernetics and biology that s..
Biopurification of water
Removal of foreign or harmful substances by means of living organisms.A method of treating domestic ..
The removal of animal and plant organisms downstream by rivers. Biostream plays a significant role i..
From the ancient Greek βιοτή - life.A historically established complex of living organisms (plants, ..