Fish living in the Atlantic Ocean

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Spadefish; Atlantic Spadefish

Spadefish; Atlantic Spadefish

Latin name Chaetodipterus faber Other names Enxada, paguara. Identification Their body is very ..

Spearfish, Longbill

Spearfish, Longbill

Latin name Tetrapturus pfluegeri Other names Longnose spearfish, Atlantic longbill spearfish; Fre..

Spearfish, Mediterranean

Spearfish, Mediterranean

Latin name Tetrapturus belone Other names French: aguglia impériale; Italian: acura imperiale, ag..

Spearfish, Shortbill

Spearfish, Shortbill

Latin name Tetrapturus angustirostris Other names Shortnose spearfish; Arabic: kheil; Hawaiian: a..



Latin name Leiostomus xanthurus Other names Norfolk spot, spot croaker; French: tambour croca; Sp..

Striped Anchovy

Striped Anchovy

Latin name Anchoa hepsetus Other names Broad-striped anchovy; French: anchois rayé; Spanish: anch..

Sturgeon, Atlantic

Sturgeon, Atlantic

Latin name Acipenser oxyrinchus Other names Sturgeon, common sturgeon, sea sturgeon, Albany beef;..

Sunfish, Ocean

Sunfish, Ocean

Latin name Mola mola Other names Headfish, moonfish; Danish/Swedish: klumpfisk; Dutch: maanvis; F..



Latin name Xiphias gladius Other names Roadbill, broadbill swordfish; Arabic: kheil al bahar; Fre..



Latin name Megalops atlanticus Other names Silver king, Atlantic tarpon, cuffum; French: tarpon a..



Latin name Tautoga onitis Other names Blackfish, tog, Molly George, chub, oysterfish; French: tau..

Tilefish: Sand Tilefish

Tilefish: Sand Tilefish

Latin name Malacanthus plumieri Other names No information Identification Tilefish have a slend..

Tomcod, Atlantic

Tomcod, Atlantic

Latin name Microgadus tomcod Other names Tomcod; French: poulamon atlantique; Spanish: microgado...



Latin name Haemulon aurolineatum Other names Tomtate grunt; Spanish: ronco jeníguano. Identifica..



Latin name Galeorhinus galeus Other names Flake, greyboy, greyshark, hundshai, school shark, snap..

Showing 136 to 150 of 163 (11 Pages)