Latin name

Coryphaena equiselis

Other names

Mahimahi, blue dolphin, small dolphin, dolphinfish, pompano dolphinfish; French: coryphéne dauphin; Japanese: ebisu-shiira; Portuguese: dourado; Spanish: dorado.


This species is almost identical to the common dolphin in coloring and general shape, although it has greater body depth behind the head than the common dolphin has and a squarish, rather than rounded, tooth patch on the tongue. There are fewer dorsal rays on the pompano dolphin—48 to 55, versus the common dolphin’s 55 to 65.


The pompano dolphin is common throughout the world in tropical seas. In the U.S., it is most commonly found in Hawaii.


Prefers surface temperatures above 75 °F. It is considered more oceanic than the common dolphin, but can enter coastal waters.


Average size is 20-24 inches and 4-5 pounds, can grow up to 50 inches.

Life history and Behavior

Little is known about the life history of the pompano dolphin; it is a schooling species that lives in tropical waters, prone to near-surface feeding and attracted to objects. In most behavioral aspects, this fish is similar to the common dolphin.

Food and feeding habits

The pompano dolphin’s diet consists of small fish and squid.


No information

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Carangiformes
Family Coryphaenidae
Genus Coryphaena
Species C.equiselis
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years 4
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 146
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating predator

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Dolphin, Pompano

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