
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Blue rockfish

Blue rockfish

Latin nameSebastes mystinusOther namesBlue seaperch, blue perch, priest fish, black rockfish, black ..

Blue Tang

Blue Tang

Latin name Acanthurus coeruleus Other names Blue tang surgeon; French: chirurgien bayolle; Portug..

Blue trevally

Blue trevally

Latin nameCarangoides ferdauOther namesBanded trevally, barred trevally, Ferdau's trevally, Forskaal..

Blue whiting

Blue whiting

Latin nameMicromesistius poutassouOther namesMerluci blu (Albanian), Kék puha tőkehal (Hungarian), B..

Blue-lipped sea krait

Blue-lipped sea krait

Latin nameLaticauda laticaudataOther namesBlue-banded sea krait, common sea kraitIdentificationAbdom..

Blue-throated fairy wrasse

Blue-throated fairy wrasse

Latin nameCirrhilabrus cyanogularisOther namesSailfin fairy wrasseIdentificationThis species differs..

Bluefin trevally

Bluefin trevally

Latin nameCaranx melampygusOther namesBluefin jack, bluefin kingfish, bluefinned crevalle, blue ulua..



Latin name Pomatomus saltatrix Other names Blue, tailor, elf, chopper, marine piranha, rock salmo..

Bluegirdled angelfish

Bluegirdled angelfish

Latin namePomacanthus navarchusOther nameMajestic angelfishIdentificationThe body of this fish is fl..

Bluelip bristletooth

Bluelip bristletooth

Latin nameCtenochaetus cyanocheilusOther nameYelloweye bristletooth, goldring bristletooth, Indo-Pac..

Bluespine unicornfish

Bluespine unicornfish

Latin nameNaso unicornisOther namesShort-nose unicornfishIdentificationThe body is elongated, compre..

Bluespotted angelfish

Bluespotted angelfish

Latin nameChaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatusOther namesChaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatusIdentificatio..

Bluespotted grouper

Bluespotted grouper

Latin nameCephalopholis argusOther nameRoi, bluespotted grouper, and celestial grouper.Identificatio..

Bluespotted ribbontail ray

Bluespotted ribbontail ray

Latin nameTaeniura lymmaOther nameRibbontail stingrayIdentificationThe pectoral fins of these rays a..

Bluestreak cleaner wrasse

Bluestreak cleaner wrasse

Latin nameLabroides dimidiatusOther namesLabroides dimidiatusIdentificationGenetic analysis of L. di..

Showing 91 to 105 of 802 (54 Pages)