
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Brackish water frogfish

Brackish water frogfish

Latin nameAntennarius biocellatusOther nameBrackish water anglerfish, freshwater frogfish twinspot f..

Brainbeard plunderfish

Brainbeard plunderfish

Latin namePogonophryne cerebropogonOther namePogonophryne cerebropogonIdentificationPogonophryne - G..

Bream, Sea

Bream, Sea

Latin name Archosargus rhomboidalis Other names Seabream, brim, tropical sheepshead, chopa amaril..

Broadnosed Pipefish

Broadnosed Pipefish

Latin nameSyngnathus typhleOther namesDeepnosed pipefisIdentificationIt is a slender, elongated fish..

Brown guitarfish

Brown guitarfish

Latin nameRhinobatos schlegeliiOther nameRhinobatos schlegeliiIdentificationRhinobatos: Greek, rhino..

Brown tang

Brown tang

Latin nameZebrasoma scopasOther nameTwotone tang, scopas tang, brush-tail tang.IdentificationThese f..

Brown-banded butterflyfish

Brown-banded butterflyfish

Latin nameRoa modestaOther nameRoa modestaIdentificationThe body of these fishes is large, short, st..

Brownbanded bamboo shark

Brownbanded bamboo shark

Latin nameChiloscyllium punctatumOther nameChiloscyllium punctatumIdentificationThe brownbanded bamb..

Brushtooth lizardfish

Brushtooth lizardfish

Latin nameSaurida undosquamisOther nameLarge-scale grinner or largescale saury.IdentificationSaurida..

Bumper, Atlantic; Bumper, Pacific

Bumper, Atlantic; Bumper, Pacific

Latin name Chloroscombrus chrysurus; Chloroscombrus orqueta Other names French: sapater; Spanish:..



Latin name Peprilus triacanthus Other names American butterfish, Atlantic butterfish, dollarfish,..

Camel cowfish

Camel cowfish

Latin nameTetrosomus gibbosusOther nameHelmet cowfish, humpback turretfish and thornbacked boxfish.I..



Latin name Mallotus villosus Other names Danish/Dutch/German/ Norwegian: lodde; French: capelin a..

Careproctus catherinae

Careproctus catherinae

Latin nameCareproctus catherinaeIdentificationThe body of Careproctus catherinae is elongated, gelat..

Careproctus inflexidens

Careproctus inflexidens

Latin nameCareproctus inflexidensIdentificationCareproctus: Greek, kara = face + Greek, proktos = an..

Showing 121 to 135 of 847 (57 Pages)