
Freshwater fish spend part or all of their lives in fresh water, such as rivers and lakes, with a salinity of less than 1.05%.

African brown knifefish

African brown knifefish

Latin nameXenomystus nigriOther namesAfrican knifefishIdentificationThe body of this fish is unusual..

Alaska blackfish

Alaska blackfish

Latin nameDallia pectoralisOther nameDallia pectoralisIdentificationThe Alaska blackfish can be iden..



Latin name Alosa pseudoharengus Other names Herring, sawbelly, gray herring, grayback; French: ga..

Bass, Florida Largemouth

Bass, Florida Largemouth

Latin name Micropterus salmoides floridanus Other names No information Identification No inform..

Bass, Guadalupe

Bass, Guadalupe

Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names No information Identification Fish have 10 to 12..

Bass, Largemouth

Bass, Largemouth

Latin name Micropterus salmoides Other names Black bass, largemouth, bigmouth, linesides, Oswego ..

Bass, Peacock

Bass, Peacock

Latin name No information Other names Tucunaré, pavon Identification Their body shape generally..

Bass, Redeye

Bass, Redeye

Latin name Micropterus coosae Other names Black bass, Coosa bass, shoal bass, Flint River smallmo..

Bass, Roanoke

Bass, Roanoke

Latin name Ambloplites cavifrons Other names No information Identification Roanoke bass is simi..

Bass, Rock

Bass, Rock

Latin name Ambloplites rupestris Other names Black perch, goggle-eye, red eye, rock sunfish, gogg..

Bass, Smallmouth: Northern Smallmouth Bass, Neosho Smallmouth Bass

Bass, Smallmouth: Northern Smallmouth Bass, Neosho Smallmouth Bass

Latin name Micropterus dolomieui, Micropterus dolomieui dolomieui, Micropterus dolomieui velox Oth..

Bass, Spotted

Bass, Spotted

Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names Alabama spotted bass, black bass, Kentucky bass, K..

Bass, Striped

Bass, Striped

Latin name Morone saxatilis Other names Striper, rock, rockfish, striped sea bass, striper bass, ..

Bass, Suwannee

Bass, Suwannee

Latin name Micropterus notius Other names No information Identification Suwannee bass is simila..

Bass, White

Bass, White

Latin name Morone chrysops Other names White lightning, barfish, striped bass, silver bass, strip..

Showing 1 to 15 of 155 (11 Pages)