Fauna of the Mediterranean Sea
The fauna of the Mediterranean is characterised by a great diversity of species, but the number of representatives of each species is small. There are crayfish, one species of seal (the Mediterranean monk seal), sea turtles and 550 species of fish.
Zooplankton of the Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea is characterised by a relatively low quantitative development of zooplankton, resulting in relatively few large animals, including fish, feeding on them.
Most common fish in the Mediterranean
Sharks, scombridae, clupeidae, anchovy, mugilidae, coryphaenidae, tuna, sarda, trachurus, etc. are the most common species found in the Mediterranean. About 70 species of fish are endemic, among them: rays, some species of hamsa, gobies, dogfish, guban, needlefish.
What mammals live in the Mediterranean?
Mammals in the Mediterranean include dolphins, white-bellied seals, killer whales and porpoises. Turtles are also found.
Molluscs of the Mediterranean
The most important edible molluscs are the oyster, the Mediterranean-Black Sea mussel and the sea date.
Mediterranean invertebrates
Among the invertebrates, octopus, squid, sepia, crabs, achelata are common; species of jellyfish, siphonophores, thaliaceans, pyrosomes are abundant; sponges and red corals inhabit some areas.
Are there sharks in the Mediterranean?
There are believed to be more than 40 species of sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. The list of the most famous species includes:
Carcharodon carcharias - great white shark;
Galeocerdo cuvier - tiger shark;
Odontaspis taurus - sand shark;
Carcharhinus leucas - bull (bluntnose) shark;
Carcharhinus longimanus - oceanic longfin shark;
Isurus oxyrinchus - mako shark;
Heptranchias perlo - seven-gill shark;
Sphyrna mokarran - giant hammerhead shark;
Prionace glauca - blue (blue) shark;
Carcharhinus melanopterus - blacktip shark;
Negaprion brevirostris - lemon shark.
Dangerous inhabitants of the Mediterranean
There are not many inhabitants in the Mediterranean Sea that are dangerous to humans. These are: luminous violet jellyfish, hermodice carunculata, sea eels and moray eels, stingrays, sea ruffs, and dasyatis.
Poisonous fishes of the Mediterranean
Trachinus draco is the only dangerous fish in the Mediterranean that can attack humans first. It has venomous spines that contain a powerful toxin that can cause prolonged pain.
Jellyfish of the Mediterranean
In total, there are more than 200 species of jellyfish in the Mediterranean. The most common species are Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Aurelia aurita, Pelagia noctiluca and Cassiopea Andromeda. Mediterranean jellyfish live at different depths, from coastal areas to the deep sea.
Exotic animals of the Mediterranean
One of the most famous inhabitants of the Mediterranean is the Caretta caretta, or sea turtle. This unique and rare species attracts attention with its charming appearance and unusual way of living in the marine environment. Other interesting creatures include the common dolphin and the Atlantic white-sided dolphin.
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