• Atlantic saury

Latin name

Scomberesox saurus

Other names

Atlantic saury, Sauri atlantik (albanian), Makreelgeep (dutch), Λουτσοζαργάνα (ljutsozargana) (greek), Paparda del Atlántico (spanish), Costardella (italian), Echsenhecht (german), Makrelosz (polish), Agulhao (portuguese), Scrumbioara de Atlantic (romanian), Proskok, Iglunić (serbian, croatian), Paščuka (slovenian), Zurna balığı (turkish), Balaou atlantique (french).


Representatives of this species are characterised by highly elongated beak-like jaws, very small teeth, elongated bodies and the presence of a number of additional small fins behind the dorsal and anal fins (as in tuna, mackerel and others).

Fish colouring

The back is blue-black. The sides are paler. The belly is silvery white. Fins are light brown. The dorsal fin is shifted towards the tail fin. Mouth large, jaws elongated.


Found in the Atlantic Ocean in both the northern and southern hemispheres, reaching high numbers off the coast of Britain and in the Mediterranean. Occurs in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 


Held in the upper layers of water, usually near the surface. It is a migratory fish, moving to the coast in the summer and returning to deep water at the end of the year. 


Adult size generally does not exceed 50 cm in length and 1 kg in body weight.


They are gregarious and form dense schools.

Food and feeding habits

The fish are gregarious, feeding on zooplankton and fish larvae, and are preyed upon by tuna, marlin, bluefish and cod. 


Spawning occurs near the surface in the open sea. Eggs have attached filaments and are pelagic. Juveniles live in tropical mid-ocean waters; their jaws are relatively short at first, but lengthen as they grow.


Commercial fish. It has an excellent taste and many useful properties.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Beloniformes
Family Scomberesocidae
Genus Scomberesox
Species S. saurus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Edible
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 1
Maximum length, cm 50
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Way of eating Predator

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Atlantic saury

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