Fish living in the Europe
Fish species common in Europe waters.
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Latin name Lepomis macrochirus Other names Bream, brim, sun perch, blue perch, blue sunfish, copp..
Latin name Lota lota Other names Eelpout, pout, ling, cusk, lawyer, lingcod, gudgeon, freshwater ..
Carp, Common
Latin name Cyprinus carpio Other names European carp, French carp, Italian carp, German carp, Isr..
Carp, Grass
Latin name Ctenopharyngodon idella Other names White amur, amur, carp; French: carpe amour, carpe..
Catfish, Channel
Latin name Ictalurus punctatus Other names Сatfish, river catfish, fiddler, blue channel catfish,..
Catfish: Channel Catfish
Latin name Ictalurus punctatus Other names No information Identification Most catfish have no s..
Charr, Arctic
Latin name Salvelinus alpinus Other names Seagoing fish: char, red charr; Cree: awanans; Da..
Dolly Varden, Bull Trout
Latin name Salvelinus malma, Salvelinus confluentus Other names Bull charr, western brook trout, ..
Eel, American
Latin name Anguilla rostrata Other names Silver eel, Atlantic eel, common eel, yellowbellied eel,..
Latin name Stenodus leucichthys Other names Sheefish, connie, Eskimo tarpon; Russian: beloribitsa..
Lamprey: Sea Lamprey
Latin name Petromyzon marinus Other names Lamprey eel, stone sucker, nannie nine eyes (U.K.); Dan..
Latin name Polyodon spathula Other names Spoonbill, spoonbill catfish, spoonbill cat, American pa..
Pike, Northern
Latin name Esox lucius Other names Pike, northern, jack, jackfish, snake, great northern pike, gr..
Latin name Scardinius erythrophthalmus Other names European rudd; German: rotfeder; Italian: scar..
Latin name Gymnocephalus cernuus Other names Eurasian ruffe; French: grémille; German: kaulbarsch..