Fish living in the Europe
Fish species common in Europe waters.
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Latin name
Lepomis gibbosus
Other names
Bream, common sunfish, round sunfish, pond perch, pumpkin..
Latin name
Lepomis auritus
Other names
Longear sunfish, redbreast bream, robin, redbelly, sun per..
Latin name
Lepomis gibbosus
Other names
No information
Each species has coarse s..
Latin name
Salmo trutta
Other names
Brown trout (all forms). German brown, German trout, German b..
Latin name
Salvelinus namaycush
Other names
Laker, mackinaw, Great Lakes trout or charr, salmon t..
Latin name
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Other names
Steelhead, rainbow, ’bow, redsides, Kamloops, redband ..
Latin name
Oncorhynchus mykiss
Other names
No information
Among the most popular..
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