Fish living in the USA

Fish species common in USA waters.

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Latin name Gambusia affinis affinis Other names No information Identification The male anal fin..



Latin name Esox masquinongy Other names Maskinonge, muskallonge, mascalonge, muskie, musky, ’lung..

Muskellunge, Tiger

Muskellunge, Tiger

Latin name Esox masquinongy x Esox lucius Other names Tiger muskie, norlunge, nor’lunge, hybrid m..



Latin name Polyodon spathula Other names Spoonbill, spoonbill catfish, spoonbill cat, American pa..

Perch, Yellow

Perch, Yellow

Latin name Perca flavescens Other names Ringed perch, striped perch, coon perch, jack perch, lake..

Pickerel, Chain

Pickerel, Chain

Latin name Esox niger Other names Jack, pike, eastern pickerel, eastern chain pickerel, lake pick..

Pike, Northern

Pike, Northern

Latin name Esox lucius Other names Pike, northern, jack, jackfish, snake, great northern pike, gr..



Latin name Gymnocephalus cernuus Other names Eurasian ruffe; French: grémille; German: kaulbarsch..



Latin name Stizostedion canadense Other names Sand pickerel, sand pike, blue pickerel, pike, gray..



Latin name Stizostedion vitreum x S. canadense Other names No information Identification The sa..

Shad, Gizzard

Shad, Gizzard

Latin name Dorosoma cepedianum Other names Shad, eastern gizzard, hickory shad, mud shad, nanny s..

Shad, Threadfin

Shad, Threadfin

Latin name Dorosoma petenense Other names No information Identification The threadfin shad has ..

Shiner, Common

Shiner, Common

Latin name Luxilus cornutus Other names No information Identification The common shiner is silv..

Shiner, Emerald

Shiner, Emerald

Latin name Notropis atherinoides Other names Buckeye, shiner, lake shiner, lake emerald shiner, c..

Shiner, Golden

Shiner, Golden

Latin name Notemigonus crysoleucas Other names Roach, shad roach, shiner, pond shiner. Identific..

Showing 61 to 75 of 108 (8 Pages)