Fish living in the USA
Fish species common in USA waters.
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Bass, Florida Largemouth
Latin name Micropterus salmoides floridanus Other names No information Identification No inform..
Bass, Guadalupe
Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names No information Identification Fish have 10 to 12..
Bass, Largemouth
Latin name Micropterus salmoides Other names Black bass, largemouth, bigmouth, linesides, Oswego ..
Bass, Peacock
Latin name No information Other names Tucunaré, pavon Identification Their body shape generally..
Bass, Redeye
Latin name Micropterus coosae Other names Black bass, Coosa bass, shoal bass, Flint River smallmo..
Bass, Roanoke
Latin name Ambloplites cavifrons Other names No information Identification Roanoke bass is simi..
Bass, Rock
Latin name Ambloplites rupestris Other names Black perch, goggle-eye, red eye, rock sunfish, gogg..
Bass, Smallmouth: Northern Smallmouth Bass, Neosho Smallmouth Bass
Latin name Micropterus dolomieui, Micropterus dolomieui dolomieui, Micropterus dolomieui velox Oth..
Bass, Spotted
Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names Alabama spotted bass, black bass, Kentucky bass, K..
Bass, Suwannee
Latin name Micropterus notius Other names No information Identification Suwannee bass is simila..
Bass, White
Latin name Morone chrysops Other names White lightning, barfish, striped bass, silver bass, strip..
Bass, Whiterock
Latin name Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops Other names Hybrid striped bass, wiper. Identifica..
Bass, Yellow
Latin name Morone mississippiensis Other names Barfish, brassy bass, stripe, striped bass, streak..
Latin name Lepomis macrochirus Other names Bream, brim, sun perch, blue perch, blue sunfish, copp..
Latin name Amia calva Other names Dogfish, freshwater dogfish, blackfish, mudfish, western mudfis..