Fish living in the North America

Fish species common in North America waters.

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Drum, Freshwater

Drum, Freshwater

Latin name Aplodinotus grunniens Other names Sheepshead, croaker, grunt, drum, silver bass, thund..



Latin name Semotilus corporalis Other names Windfish, silver chub. Identification The body of t..

Gar, Longnose

Gar, Longnose

Latin name Lepisosteus osseus Other names French: garpique longnez; Spanish: gaspar picudo. Iden..

Gar, Spotted

Gar, Spotted

Latin name Lepisosteus oculatus Other names French: garpique tachetée; Spanish: gaspar pintado. ..



Latin name Hiodon alosoides Other names Winnipeg goldeye, western goldeye, shad mooneye, toothed ..

Grass pickerel, Redfin pickerel

Grass pickerel, Redfin pickerel

Latin name Esox americanus vermiculatus, Esox americanus americanus Other names Banded pickerel, ..



Latin name Stenodus leucichthys Other names Sheefish, connie, Eskimo tarpon; Russian: beloribitsa..

Lamprey: Sea Lamprey

Lamprey: Sea Lamprey

Latin name Petromyzon marinus Other names Lamprey eel, stone sucker, nannie nine eyes (U.K.); Dan..

Minnow, Fathead

Minnow, Fathead

Latin name Pimephales promelas Other names Minnow; French: tête de boule. Identification The fa..

Minnow: Golden Shiner

Minnow: Golden Shiner

Latin name Notemigonus crysoleucas Other names No information Identification Minnows are charac..



Latin name Gymnocephalus cernuus Other names Eurasian ruffe; French: grémille; German: kaulbarsch..

Shiner, Common

Shiner, Common

Latin name Luxilus cornutus Other names No information Identification The common shiner is silv..

Shiner, Emerald

Shiner, Emerald

Latin name Notropis atherinoides Other names Buckeye, shiner, lake shiner, lake emerald shiner, c..

Shiner, Golden

Shiner, Golden

Latin name Notemigonus crysoleucas Other names Roach, shad roach, shiner, pond shiner. Identific..

Squawfish, Northern

Squawfish, Northern

Latin name Ptychocheilus oregonensis Other names Squawfish, Columbia River dace, Columbia squawfi..

Showing 16 to 30 of 45 (3 Pages)