Fish living in the North America

Fish species common in North America waters.

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Sticklebacks: Ninespine Stickleback

Sticklebacks: Ninespine Stickleback

Latin name Pungitius pungitius Other names No information Identification The stickleback gets i..

Sturgeon, Shovelnose

Sturgeon, Shovelnose

Latin name Scaphirhynchus platorinchus Other names Hackleback sturgeon Identification The shove..

Sucker, White

Sucker, White

Latin name Catostomus commersoni Other names Black sucker, black mullet, brook sucker, carp, comm..

Sucker: Northern Redhorse

Sucker: Northern Redhorse

Latin name Maxostoma macrolepidotum Other names No information Identification Suckers are most ..

Sunfish, Longear

Sunfish, Longear

Latin name Lepomis megalotis Other names Longear Identification With its stocky body, the longe..

Sunfish, Mud

Sunfish, Mud

Latin name Acantharchus pomotis Other names No information Identification It has a rectangular ..

Sunfish, Pumpkinseed

Sunfish, Pumpkinseed

Latin name Lepomis gibbosus Other names Bream, common sunfish, round sunfish, pond perch, pumpkin..

Sunfish: Pumpkinseed Sunfish

Sunfish: Pumpkinseed Sunfish

Latin name Lepomis gibbosus Other names No information Identification Each species has coarse s..

Trout, Cutthroat

Trout, Cutthroat

Latin name Oncorhynchus clarki Other names Сut, native trout, coastal cutthroat, Clark’s trout, r..

Trout, Lake

Trout, Lake

Latin name Salvelinus namaycush Other names Laker, mackinaw, Great Lakes trout or charr, salmon t..

Trout, Rainbow

Trout, Rainbow

Latin name Oncorhynchus mykiss Other names Steelhead, rainbow, ’bow, redsides, Kamloops, redband ..



Latin name Percopsis omiscomaycus Other names Troutperch, silver chub; French: omisco. Identific..

Trout: Rainbow Trout

Trout: Rainbow Trout

Latin name Oncorhynchus mykiss Other names No information Identification Among the most popular..

Whitefish, Mountain

Whitefish, Mountain

Latin name Prosopium williamsoni Other names Rocky mountain whitefish, Williamson’s whitefish, gr..

Whitefish, Round

Whitefish, Round

Latin name Prosopium cylindraceum Other names Menominee, round fish, frost fish, pilot fish, gray..

Showing 31 to 45 of 45 (3 Pages)