Fish living in the Gulf of Mexico

Fish species found in the Gulf of Mexico.

Drum, Black

Drum, Black

Latin name Pogonias cromis Other names Drum, sea drum, common drum, banded drum, butterfly drum, ..

Drum, Red

Drum, Red

Latin name Sciaenops ocellatus Other names Channel bass, redfish, rat red (schooling juveniles le..

Eel, American Conger

Eel, American Conger

Latin name Conger oceanicus Other names Conger, dog eel, sea eel, silver eel; French: congre d’Am..



Latin name Cephalopholis cruentata Other names Spanish: enjambre, cherna enjambre, cuna cabrilla...

Grouper, Black

Grouper, Black

Latin name Mycteroperca bonaci Other names Rockfish; Portuguese: badejo-ferro, badejoquadrado; Sp..

Grouper, Goliath

Grouper, Goliath

Latin name Epinephelus itajara Other names Jewfish, spotted jewfish, southern jewfish, junefish, ..

Grouper, Nassau

Grouper, Nassau

Latin name Epinephelus striatus Other names Hamlet; Creole: negue; French: mérou rayé; Spanish: c..

Grouper, Red

Grouper, Red

Latin name Epinephelus morio Other names Grouper; Portuguese: garoupa de Sao Tomé; Spanish: chern..

Grouper, Warsaw

Grouper, Warsaw

Latin name Epinephelus nigritus Other names Spanish: mero de lo alto, mero negro. Identification..

Grouper, Yellowfin

Grouper, Yellowfin

Latin name Mycteroperca venenosa Other names Rincess rockfish, red rockfish; Spanish: arigua, bon..

Grunt, Bluestriped

Grunt, Bluestriped

Latin name Haemulon sciurus Other names Spanish: ronco catire. Identification The bluestriped g..

Grunt, French

Grunt, French

Latin name Haemulon flavolineatum Other names Spanish: ronco amarillo. Identification Its color..

Grunt, White

Grunt, White

Latin name Haemulon plumieri Other names Redmouth; Spanish: ronco margariteño. Identification T..

Guitarfish, Atlantic

Guitarfish, Atlantic

Latin name Rhinobatos lentiginosus Other names French: poisson-guitarre tacheté; Italian: pesce v..



Latin name Myxine glutinosa Other names Atlantic Hagfish Identification Fish-like vertebrates, ..

Showing 16 to 30 of 63 (5 Pages)