Fish living in the Gulf of Mexico
Fish species found in the Gulf of Mexico.
Amberjack, Lesser
Latin name Seriola fasciata Other names Amberjack, jack; French: sériole babianc; Spanish: medreg..
Angelfish, Queen
Latin name Holacanthus ciliaris Other names French: demoiselle royale; Spanish: isabelita patale...
Bass, Striped
Latin name Morone saxatilis Other names Striper, rock, rockfish, striped sea bass, striper bass, ..
Latin name Ogcocephalus nasutus Other names Malthaea notata Valenciennes, Malthaea truncata Valen..
Blue Tang
Latin name Acanthurus coeruleus Other names Blue tang surgeon; French: chirurgien bayolle; Portug..
Latin name Pomatomus saltatrix Other names Blue, tailor, elf, chopper, marine piranha, rock salmo..
Latin name Sebastes paucispinis Other names Salmon grouper, minigrouper (juveniles), red snapper,..
Latin name Albula vulpes Other names Banana fish, phantom, silver ghost, ladyfish, grubber, silve..
Bonito, Atlantic
Latin name Sarda sarda Other names Common bonito, katonkel, belted bonito; French: bonito à dos r..
Bream, Sea
Latin name Archosargus rhomboidalis Other names Seabream, brim, tropical sheepshead, chopa amaril..
Latin name Peprilus triacanthus Other names American butterfish, Atlantic butterfish, dollarfish,..
Catfish, Gafftopsail
Latin name Bagre marinus Other names Bandera, sailboat cat, gafftopsail sea catfish, gafftop cat,..
Latin name Cephalopholis fulva Other names French: coné ouatalibi; Spanish: canario, cherna cabri..
Croaker, Atlantic
Latin name Micropogonias undulatus Other names Сroaker, crocus, golden cracker, hardhead, king bi..
Croaker, Spotfin
Latin name Roncador stearnsii Other names Potty, spot, golden croaker. Identification The body ..