Fish living in the Caribbean Sea
Fish species found in the Caribbean Sea.
Amberjack, Lesser
Latin name Seriola fasciata Other names Amberjack, jack; French: sériole babianc; Spanish: medreg..
Latin name Rachycentron canadum Other names Ling, cabio, lemonfish, crab-eater, flathead, black s..
Eels, Snake
Latin name Ophichtus macrorhynchus Other names Snake Eel Identification Snake eels of the famil..
Latin name Cephalopholis cruentata Other names Spanish: enjambre, cherna enjambre, cuna cabrilla...
Grouper, Goliath
Latin name Epinephelus itajara Other names Jewfish, spotted jewfish, southern jewfish, junefish, ..
Grouper, Red
Latin name Epinephelus morio Other names Grouper; Portuguese: garoupa de Sao Tomé; Spanish: chern..
Grunt, Bluestriped
Latin name Haemulon sciurus Other names Spanish: ronco catire. Identification The bluestriped g..
Grunt, French
Latin name Haemulon flavolineatum Other names Spanish: ronco amarillo. Identification Its color..
Grunt, White
Latin name Haemulon plumieri Other names Redmouth; Spanish: ronco margariteño. Identification T..
Latin name Sphyraena guachancho Other names Guachanche barracuda; Spanish: picuda guaguanche; Fre..
Hake, Pacific
Latin name Merluccius productus Other names Haddock, butterfish, California hake, popeye, silver ..
Hake, Red
Latin name Urophycis chuss Other names Squirrel hake, ling; French: merluche éureuil; Spanish: lo..
Hind, Rock
Latin name Epinephelus adscensionis Other names Grouper, jack, rock cod; French: mérou oualioua; ..
Jack, Bar
Latin name Caranx ruber Other names Runner, skipjack; Spanish: cojinua carbonera, cojinua negra, ..
Jack, Crevalle; Jack, Pacific Crevalle
Latin name Caranx hippos; Caranx caninus Other names Сommon jack, crevally, toro, trevally, horse..