
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Sturgeon, Atlantic

Sturgeon, Atlantic

Latin name Acipenser oxyrinchus Other names Sturgeon, common sturgeon, sea sturgeon, Albany beef;..

Sturgeon, White

Sturgeon, White

Latin name Acipenser transmontanus Other names Sturgeon, Columbia sturgeon, Oregon sturgeon, Paci..

Sulu Sea skate

Sulu Sea skate

Latin nameOkamejei jensenaeOther namesOkamejei jensenaeIdentificationOn the ventral side of the disc..

Sunfish, Ocean

Sunfish, Ocean

Latin name Mola mola Other names Headfish, moonfish; Danish/Swedish: klumpfisk; Dutch: maanvis; F..

Surfperch: Rubberlip Surfperch, Barred Surfperch

Surfperch: Rubberlip Surfperch, Barred Surfperch

Latin name Rhacocilus toxotes, Amphistichus argenteus Other names Seaperch, surffish. Identifica..



Latin name Xiphias gladius Other names Roadbill, broadbill swordfish; Arabic: kheil al bahar; Fre..



Latin name Megalops atlanticus Other names Silver king, Atlantic tarpon, cuffum; French: tarpon a..

Tassled scorpionfish

Tassled scorpionfish

Latin nameScorpaenopsis oxycephalusOther namesSmall-scaled scorpionfishIdentificationIt has an elong..



Latin name Tautoga onitis Other names Blackfish, tog, Molly George, chub, oysterfish; French: tau..

Teira batfish

Teira batfish

Latin namePlatax teiraOther namesLongfin batfish, longfin spadefish, round faced batfish.Identificat..

Thornback ray

Thornback ray

Latin nameRaja clavataOther namesRaja clavataIdentificationThe body is rhomboid, the head is short a..

Threadfin sea catfish

Threadfin sea catfish

Latin nameArius ariusOther nameHamilton's catfish, marine catfis, jella.IdentificationThe species wa..

Threadless blenny

Threadless blenny

Latin nameMeiacanthus anemaOther nameMeiacanthus anemaIdentificationPresence of poisonous cheek glan..

Tilefish: Sand Tilefish

Tilefish: Sand Tilefish

Latin name Malacanthus plumieri Other names No information Identification Tilefish have a slend..

Titan triggerfish

Titan triggerfish

Latin nameBalistoides viridescensOther namesGiant triggerfish, moustache triggerfish.IdentificationT..

Showing 511 to 525 of 584 (39 Pages)