
Guide to marine fish with sorting and selection options by family, feeding method, size, and other important characteristics.

Silvermouth trevally

Silvermouth trevally

Latin nameUlua aurochsOther namesBlack-crested Trevally, Longraker Trevally, Mirror-mouthed Trevally..



Latin name Leuresthes tenuis Other names California Grunion Identification All fish lack a late..

Silvertip shark

Silvertip shark

Latin nameCarcharhinus albimarginatusOther namesCarcharhinus albimarginatusIdentificationIt is a pow..

Six-line wrasse

Six-line wrasse

Latin namePseudocheilinus hexataeniaOther namesPseudocheilinus hexataeniaIdentificationFish with an ..

Sixgill stingray

Sixgill stingray

Latin nameHexatrygon bickelliOther namesHexatrygon bickelliIdentificationBody flabby, massive, snout..

Skipjack, Black

Skipjack, Black

Latin name Euthynnus lineatus Other names Little tuna, false albacore, spotted tuna, mackerel tun..



Latin name Gobiomorus dormitor Other names Bigmouth Sleeper Identification Sleepers are closely..

Slender grouper

Slender grouper

Latin nameAnyperodon leucogrammicusOther namesWhitelined cod, white-lined cod, white-lined rockcod, ..

Sloane's viperfish

Sloane's viperfish

Latin nameChauliodus sloaniOther nameChauliodus sloaniIdentificationC. sloani has a low lipid conten..



Latin name Osmerus eperlanus Other names European Smelt Identification Like salmon and trout, t..

Smelt, Rainbow

Smelt, Rainbow

Latin name Osmerus mordax Other names American smelt, frostfish, leefish, toothed smelt, freshwat..

Smooth hammerhead

Smooth hammerhead

Latin nameSphyrna zygaenaOther nameSphyrna zygaenaIdentificationIt differs from other large hammerhe..

Smooth-headed catfish

Smooth-headed catfish

Latin namePlicofollis nellaOther nameShieldhead catfishIdentificationDescribed by Achille Valencienn..

Smoothbelly sardinella

Smoothbelly sardinella

Latin nameAmblygaster leiogasterOther namesBlue sardine, blue sprat, bluebait.IdentificationThe body..

Snapper, Cubera

Snapper, Cubera

Latin name Lutjanus cyanopterus Other names Cuban snapper; Spanish: cubera, guasinuco, pargo caba..

Showing 466 to 480 of 594 (40 Pages)