Fauna of the Aegean Sea

Fishing has been developed in the Aegean Sea since ancient times, with sponge and octopus fishing. In recent times, however, it has gradually declined due to its private nature, the deterioration of the ecological situation in the sea and the lack of plankton, which is necessary for fish to feed.

Common fish in the Aegean Sea

Serranidae, Diplodus annularis, mullet, parrotfish and conger are common in the Aegean Sea. Commercial fishes are: Sardine, Mackerel, Pomfret, Engraulis, Trachurus. With the help of a fishing rod in recreational fishing you can catch: Epinephelus, Sebastes, Mullus, European seabass, Boops Boops.

Are there sharks in the Aegean Sea?

There are over 35 species of sharks in this sea, some of which can be dangerous to humans. The most common predators are Great white shark, Tiger shark, Bull shark, Shortfin mako shark, Oceanic whitetip shark, Blue shark, Hammerhead shark, Copper shark, Grey reef shark, Sandbar shark, Lemon shark, Sharpnose sevengill shark, Silky shark. Aegean shark species that are not dangerous to humans: Spiny dogfish, Catshark, Bluntnose sixgill shark, Common smooth-hound, Basking shark, Thresher shark, Squatina squatina. Sharks rarely swim into Aegean resorts. If they do meet bathers on the beaches, it is an isolated incident.

Mammals of the Aegean Sea

Mammals in the Aegean include common and bottlenose dolphins, Risso's dolphins, the occasional killer whale and other whales. 

Reptiles of the Aegean

Sea turtles are quite common in the Aegean. The most common reptile in this area is the loggerhead sea turtle.

Invertebrates of the Aegean Sea

In the water column and on the bottom there are sea anemones, large and small cuttlefish, starfish, sometimes jellyfish of various species, there are also "stinging" ones. Sea urchins, Ctenophora, crabs, Scorpaena and other animals can be found. 

Shark, Basking

Shark, Basking

Latin name Cetorhinus maximus Other names No information Identification The dark gray or slate-..

Shark, Blue

Shark, Blue

Latin name Prionace glauca Other names Bluedog, great blue shark, blue whaler. Identification T..

Shark, Bull

Shark, Bull

Latin name Carcharhinus leucas Other names Freshwater whaler, river whaler. Identification The ..

Shark, Lemon

Shark, Lemon

Latin name Negaprion brevirostris Other names Lemon shark Identification It is usually yellow-b..

Shark, Sandbar

Shark, Sandbar

Latin name Carcharhinus Plumbeus Other names Brown shark Identification A relatively heavy fish..

Shark, Shortfin Mako

Shark, Shortfin Mako

Latin name Isurus oxyrinchus Other names Blue pointer, bonito shark, dog shark, short-nosed macke..

Shark, Tiger

Shark, Tiger

Latin name Galeocerdo cuvier Other names Tiger shark Identification Dark bluish-gray or brownis..

Shark, White

Shark, White

Latin name Carcharodon carcharias Other names White pointer, white death, man-eater, great white ..



Identification Like all fish, sharks are vertebrates, but ichthyologists separate them from most bo..

Sharks, Hammerhead

Sharks, Hammerhead

Latin name Sphyrna species Other names Hammerhead sharks Identification Hammerheads are easy to..

Sharks, Sharpnose

Sharks, Sharpnose

Latin name Rhizoprionodon species Other names Sharpnose sharks Identification It has a characte..

Sharks, Thresher

Sharks, Thresher

Latin name Alopias species Other names Fox shark, longtail thresher, pelagic thresher, sea fox, s..

Shi drum

Shi drum

Latin nameUmbrina cirrosaOther namesGurbell, sea crow, bearded umbrine and corb.IdentificationBody e..

Silky shark

Silky shark

Latin nameCarcharhinus falciformisOther namesBlackspot shark, gray whaler shark, olive shark, ridgeb..

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