Fish living in the Texas
Fish species found in the waters of Texas.
Bass, Guadalupe
Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names No information Identification Fish have 10 to 12..
Bass, Rock
Latin name Ambloplites rupestris Other names Black perch, goggle-eye, red eye, rock sunfish, gogg..
Bass, Spotted
Latin name Micropterus punctulatus Other names Alabama spotted bass, black bass, Kentucky bass, K..
Latin name Lepomis macrochirus Other names Bream, brim, sun perch, blue perch, blue sunfish, copp..
Buffalo, Bigmouth
Latin name Ictiobus cyprinellus Other names Buffalofish, common buffalo, lake buffalo, slough buf..
Drum, Freshwater
Latin name Aplodinotus grunniens Other names Sheepshead, croaker, grunt, drum, silver bass, thund..
Gar, Alligator
Latin name Lepisosteus spatula Other names Garpike; French: garpique alligator; Spanish: gaspar b..
Gar, Longnose
Latin name Lepisosteus osseus Other names French: garpique longnez; Spanish: gaspar picudo. Iden..
Gar, Spotted
Latin name Lepisosteus oculatus Other names French: garpique tachetée; Spanish: gaspar pintado. ..
Grass pickerel, Redfin pickerel
Latin name Esox americanus vermiculatus, Esox americanus americanus Other names Banded pickerel, ..
Shiner, Emerald
Latin name Notropis atherinoides Other names Buckeye, shiner, lake shiner, lake emerald shiner, c..
Stoneroller, Central
Latin name Campostoma anomalum Other names Stoneroller, minnow, hornyhead, knottyhead. Identific..
Sucker: Northern Redhorse
Latin name Maxostoma macrolepidotum Other names No information Identification Suckers are most ..