Latin name

Carangoides fulvoguttatus

Other names

Yellowspotted kingfish, goldspotted trevally, tarrum, yellowspot.


The body shape resembles the jacks of the genus Caranx, being more elongated and subcylindrical than most other Carangoides species. The fish has a more rounded shape when young, becoming more elongated with age, and the profile of the back and nape is steeper. The lateral line has a smooth anterior arc that is slightly longer than the straight portion of the lateral line, with an intersection below the 13th to 16th soft ray of the dorsal fin. The curved section contains 80 to 88 scales, the straight section 12 to 17 scales and 26 to 31 spines. The сhest is devoid of scales up to the beginning of the pelvic fins and to the beginning of the pectoral fins, although some individuals have a narrow band of scales separating the pectoral fins.  In adults, the mouth slit is just below the eye, and both jaws have rows of tufted teeth. This species has a total of 22 to 27 gill blades and 24 vertebrae.

Features of fish fins

The dorsal fin consists of two separate parts, the first consisting of eight spines and the second of a single spine and 25-30 soft rays. The anterior lobe of this fin is shorter than the length of the head. The anal fin consists of two anterior spines followed by a single spine with 21-26 soft rays, and the pelvic fin has a single spine and 18-19 soft rays.

Fish colouring

Juveniles are uniformly silvery with a few golden spots above the lateral line, and the upper body becomes more iridescent blue-green with age. Adults have many small golden or copper-brown spots above the midline, and larger individuals also have three irregular, indistinct dark spots on the flanks. There is usually an inconspicuous dark spot on the eyelid. The dorsal and anal fins are dark yellow, and the anterior and distal margins of the anal fin are whitish blue. The pectoral and caudal fins are olive yellow with darker edges, while the pelvic fin is blue-white.


Widespread in tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. The species' range extends from South Africa westward, north to the Red Sea and India, and throughout Southeast Asia and the Indonesian island chain. It occurs as far south as northern Australia, north to Taiwan and Japan, and east to Palau, Tonga, and New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean.


Occurs primarily in coastal lagoons and rocky or coral reef systems, although it is sometimes found in seaweed meadows, around offshore islands, and on deep sandbanks at depths of about 100 meters. It does not tolerate low salinity, so it is not found in estuaries.


A large fish that reaches at least 1.2 m in length. The maximum recorded weight is 18 kg.


They live either alone or in large schools. Small groups often patrol the edges of reefs in search of food, and large solitary fish patrol seagrass beds. 

Food and feeding habits

The diet of this species consists of small fish such as anchovies, a variety of crustaceans including Portunidae, mantis shrimp and crabs, and cephalopods such as squid.


The only breeding records for this species are from Palau, where large spawning aggregations form in the third quarter of the lunar month. Spawning occurs during the summer in South Africa.


This fish is of moderate importance to fisheries throughout its range. This species is caught with hook and line, gill nets, and various traps. It is mainly caught from boats using small baits. 

Relationship with a person

The juvenile fish is considered a good table fish, but becomes somewhat dry as it ages. This species is also a candidate for future aquaculture.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Carangiformes
Family Carangidae
Genus Carangoides
Species C. fulvoguttatus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 18
Maximum length, cm 120
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Yellowspotted trevally

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