Latin name
Neopomacentrus violascens
Other name
Neopomacentrus violascens
Violet demoiselle are blunt headed, flattened on the sides and high-bodied fish with large eyes and a very small mouth. The lateral line is interrupted: it consists of two parts - anterior, located under the dorsal fin and opened by tubes on the scales, and posterior, consisting of separate pores located along the midline of the caudal peduncle. Very significant features are the fusion of the lower pharyngeal bones into a single plate and the presence of only one nostril on each side of the head.
Features of fish fins
The dorsal fin is one. The anal fin has 2-3 barbs in front and its soft part is similar to that of the dorsal fin.
Fish colouring
The coloration combines bright colors. These fish have a blue body and a yellow tail.
Widespread in tropical waters of the western Pacific, Arafura Sea, Australia, Bali, Banda Sea, Central Asia, China, Coria, Fiji, Flores, Great Barrier Reef, Guam, Indonesia, Japan, Komodo, Lembeh Strait, Loyalty Islands, Myanmar, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Queensland, Solomon Islands, Sulawesi, Taiwan, Bangai Archipelago, Timor, Togey Islands, Vanuatu, Vietnam.
They inhabit the sublittoral deep water zone from the lower tidal limit (intertidal) to the shelf edge at a depth of about 200 meters.
This is a small fish, with adults reaching 7.5 cm in length.
These fish usually congregate in large schools around inshore reefs and can usually be found hanging around exposed structures on soft bottoms such as coral or rock outcrops or pier pilings.
Food and feeding habits
Small plant or animal plankton such as copepods and algae form the basis of the diet.
Individuals of this species mate in pairs and the females lay eggs that sink to the bottom and adhere to the substrate. The males then guard and aerate the eggs.
This species is not commercially important.
Relationship with a person
Rarely used in aquaristics because of its dull coloration compared to related species and its rather reclusive nature.
Classification | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Squad | Perciformes |
Family | Pomacentridae |
Genus | Neopomacentrus |
Species | N. violascens |
Features | |
Conservation status | Least concern |
Habitat | Littoral |
Life span, years | No information |
Maximum body weight, kg | No information |
Maximum length, cm | 7,5 |
Sailing speed, m/s | No information |
Threat to people | Edible |
Way of eating | Planktonophage |
Violet demoiselle
Tags: violet demoiselle