Latin name

Exocoetus volitans

Other name

Blue flyingfish


Tropical two-winged fly fish: D 14-15, A 14-15, P 14-15, scales anterior to dorsal 17-20, vertebrae 44-46, gill rays on first arch 31-34 (6-10+23-26). 

This species can be distinguished from the oceanic Exocoetus obtusirostris by the less blunt snout and the fact that the beginning of the anal fin is posterior to the beginning of the dorsal fin.

Features of fish fins

The dorsal fin is unspined and has 12 to 15 soft rays, while the anal fin is unspined and has 12 to 14 soft rays. The exceptionally large pectoral fins allow this fish to glide long distances above the surface.

Fish colouring

The upper body of the tropical two-winged flyingfish is iridescent dark blue, while the belly is silvery white. The pectoral and tail fins are greyish, while the rest of the fins are colourless. Juveniles are sometimes black. 


Inhabits the tropical and subtropical zones of all the world's oceans. Its range includes the Caribbean and western Mediterranean, but it is absent from the Gulf of Mexico and largely absent from the inland seas of Southeast Asia, such as the Celebes, Sulu and Flores Seas. 


Occurs in surface waters both in the open sea and near the coast.


The maximum length of this fish is about 30 cm (12 inches), but the most common length is 20 cm (8 inches). 


This fish sometimes leaps into the air to escape predators. However, it is attacked by various predators in the form of birds. They often come out of the water in shoals and sometimes land on the decks of boats.

Food and feeding habits

Feeds in the open sea on crustaceans such as paddlefish and other plankton. 


The female lays 300-400 eggs in the open sea. 


There is no commercial fishing.

Relationship with a person

Harmless. Flying fish have tasty meat.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Beloniformes
Family Exocoetidae
Genus Exocoetus
Species E. volitans
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat No information
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 30
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Tropical two-wing flyingfish

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