• Tomcod, Pacific

Latin name

Microgadus proximus

Other names

Tomcod, piciata, California tomcod.


The body of the Pacific tomcod is elongated and slender. It has a small abdomen on its chin. Characteristic of the cod family, it has three dorsal fins, two anal fins, a large head, and a large mouth with small teeth. The body is covered with fine, thin scales. Its coloration is olive green above and creamy white below, and its fins have dusky tips. Three spineless dorsal fins and a small chin barb distinguish Pacific cod from all similar fish except its cousin, Pacific cod. It has a chin fin length equal to the diameter of the eye, whereas Pacific tomcod has one less than half the diameter of the eye.


This species is found from central California, near Point Sal, to Unalaska Island, Alaska.


Dwelling in depths ranging from 60 to 720 feet, the Pacific tomcod prefers shallower waters and areas with sandy bottoms.


The Pacific tomcod can be up to 1 foot long.

Life history and Behavior

No information

Food and feeding habits

The Pacific tomcod mainly feeds on anchovies, shrimp, and worms.


No information


Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Gadiformes
Family Gadidae
Genus Microgadus
Species M. proximus
Conservation status No information
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 30.5
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Tomcod, Pacific

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