Latin name

Antennarius striatus

Other names

Hairy frogfish


The body is short and spherical. The mouth is large with numerous tufted teeth on the jaws. The rough skin is covered with numerous closely spaced, branched, leathery projections. Belongs to the Antennarius striatus group, the closest species being Antennarius hispidus. Swim bladder present.

Features of fish fins

The dorsal fin has three separate barbs, followed by 11-12 soft rays. The first barb is directed forward and becomes a "fishing rod" called the illicium. At the end of the illicium is a worm-like esca, which is used to attract potential victims. The length of the illicium is equal to the length of the second barb.  The second barb is mobile and almost vertical, and the third barb is posterior. At the end of the second and third barb rays are 2 to 7 worm-like projections. The anal fin has 8-10 (rarely 7) soft rays. The pectoral fins have 12-14 forked soft rays. The soft rays of the pelvic fins are also bifurcated. 

Fish colouring

Uneven parallel dark stripes are clearly visible on the head, body and fins. On the sides of the body there are dark spots with lightly pigmented edges.


Indo-Pacific: Red Sea, along the east coast of Africa to the Society Islands and Hawaii; north to Japan and south to Australia and New Zealand, including the coastal waters of Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia.


Benthic species. Live in marine or brackish waters. Widely distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, at depths from 10 to 219 meters. Live on rocky and coral reefs, rocks, sand or gravel. Found in weedy estuaries along the east coast of South Africa. 


Maximum body length 25 cm, usually up to 10 cm. Maximum published weight: 32.90 g. 


The males are very bloated, like a fugu.

Food and feeding habits

They are omnivorous, ambush of their victims. 


Egg-laying. Males have richer coloration and elongated skin appendages than females. Eggs are enclosed in a ribbon-like sheath or mass of gelatinous mucus.


It is considered a commercial fish and is particularly valuable for its flavor and nutritional qualities.

Relationship with a person

These fish are not dangerous to humans.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Lophiiformes
Family Antennariidae
Genus Antennarius
Species A. striatus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 0,0329
Maximum length, cm 25
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Striated frogfish

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