• Slender lizardfish

Latin name

Saurida elongata

Other name

Saurida elongata


Saurida: Derived from Greek, sauros = lizard.

Slender lizardfish have a streamlined, elongated body shape and sharp teeth. Scales on the lateral line, counting and on the caudal fin, 60-67 (average 63). It differs from Saurida tumbil and Saurida undosqusmis by having short pectoral fins, not exceeding the vertical of the base of the pelvic fins, and a greater number (62-66, average 65) of punctate scales on the lateral line. The teeth in the anterior part of the palate are arranged in 3-4 rows instead of 2. Pyloric appendages 16-19 (18). Vertebrae 57-62 (60).

Features of fish fins

Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 11 - 12; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 11 - 12.

Fish colouring

A pale species with sparse dark markings and saddle spots under the bases of the dorsal fins.


Widespread in the northwestern Pacific: from Japan to the northern South China Sea.


Bottom dwelling marine species preferring temperate climates. Habitat depth range 20-100 m.


The maximum length for males is 50 cm. The normal weight of this fish is 0.9 kg. Maximum recorded age: 7 years.


It inhabits sandy bottoms in shallow water. This species is known for its ambush hunting strategy, often burrowing into sandy substrates.

Food and feeding habits

A predator that hunts small fish and invertebrates.


Nothing is known about the breeding biology of the Slender lizardfish. 


Of minor commercial importance in fisheries.

Relationship with a person

Harmless. Used for human consumption.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Aulopiformes
Family Synodontidae
Genus Saurida
Species S. elongata
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years 7
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 50
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Slender lizardfish

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