• Short mackerel

Latin name

Rastrelliger brachysoma

Other name

Shortbodied mackerel


The short mackerel has the typical appearance of a medium-sized mackerel. This species is characterised by the following features: body very deep, its depth at the posterior edge of the gill bone is 3.7-4.3 times the length of the fork; head equal to or less than the depth of the body; gill blades very long, clearly visible when the mouth is open, 30-48 bristles on the lower end of the first gill arch; numerous bristles on the longest gill blade, about 150 on one side in individuals 12. 7 cm long, 210 in individuals 16 cm long and 240 at fork length 19 cm; gut very long, 3.2-3.6 times longer than fork length; snout pointed; swim bladder present; vertebrae 13 + 18 = 31; intertarsal process small and single; anal process rudimentary. 

Features of fish fins

Dorsal spines (total): 8 - 11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12; Anal spines: 0; Anal soft rays: 12.

Fish colouring

The body of the short mackerel is silver in colour. The dorsal fin is yellowish with a black edge, the pectoral and ventral fins are dark and the other fins are yellowish.


Widespread in the shallow waters of Southeast Asia and Melanesia. 


Marine tropical oceanodromous fish. Pelagic lifestyle. Neritic species that tolerate slight decreases in salinity in estuaries and areas where surface temperatures range from 20° to 30°C. Their habitat depth is 15-200 m. 


These fish can reach a maximum length of 34.5 cm, but a length of around 20 cm is more common. Maximum reported age: 2 years.


Forms schools of individuals of similar size. 

Food and feeding habits

They prefer to feed on plankton in estuaries with surface temperatures of 20-30°C (68-86°F). 


They reach maturity at a length of about 17 cm. The spawning season can last from March to September. Some populations spawn in groups.


This species is of great commercial importance and is caught in a variety of ways, ranging from gillnets to dynamite fishing.

Relationship with a person

It is a very important fish in Thai cuisine, where it is sold in the market with its head down, giving it a distinctive flavour. It is also very important in the cuisine of Southeast Asian regions such as Cambodia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Scombriformes
Family Scombridae
Genus Rastrelliger
Species R. brachysoma
Conservation status Data Deficient
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years 2
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 34,5
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Short mackerel

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