• Sand steenbras

Latin name

Lithognathus mormyrus

Other name

Striped seabream, common bastardfish.


The body of the Sand Steenbras is elongated, flattened at the sides with a slightly rounded head profile. The muzzle is long. Eyes are small, high set. The mouth is horizontal, slightly sunken, with thick lips. Upper jaw slightly forward. On both jaws in the front row of both jaws are not large conical teeth, behind them are several rows of small conical teeth, lateral teeth are large chewing teeth, on the lower jaw there are 2-4 rows, on the upper jaw - 3-6 rows. 

Features of fish fins

The dorsal fin of these fishes is long, undivided with 11-12 spiny and 12 soft rays. Pectoral fins with one spiny ray and 5 soft rays. 

Fish colouring

The body coloration of sand steenbras is silver gray with 11-13 long dark transverse dark gray stripes. Pelvic and anal fins are yellowish, other fins are gray, dorsal and caudal fins are noticeably darker. 


The species range extends from the eastern Atlantic Ocean to the western Indian Ocean. Occurs in the eastern Atlantic from the Bay of Biscay to the Cape of Good Hope and around the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Also found in the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Occurs in the western Indian Ocean from southern Mozambique to the Cape of Good Hope. Occurs in Turkey off the Levantine, Aegean and Marmara Seas. The species is known to occur off the coast of Bulgaria in the Gulf of Varna, Romania and along the northern coast of Turkey.


Benthic marine fish. It inhabits the shelf to depths of 80-150 m, as well as in estuaries. Occurs mainly on sandy, muddy-sandy bottoms and among algae and Zostera seagrass. 


Sand steenbras reach a length of 55 cm, usually up to 25 cm. Total life expectancy is up to 12 years.


They are social fish and sometimes form large schools.

Food and feeding habits

Sand steenbras feed on crustaceans, mollusks, marine worms, and other benthic invertebrates.


Protandric hermaphrodite. Juveniles mature into males at the age of two years and a length of about 14 cm. When they are 4-7 years old and 21-28 cm long, they become females. Spawning takes place in June and July. Juveniles, 1-2 cm in length, have a distinctly serrated preoperculum.


The species is of minor commercial interest.

Relationship with a person

Harmless. The flesh of these fish is excellent in flavor and is sold fresh and dried.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Acanthuriformes
Family Sparidae
Genus Lithognathus
Species L. mormyrus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years 12
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 55
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Sand steenbras

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