Latin name
Parupeneus forsskali
Other name
Parupeneus forsskali
The body of the Red Sea goatfish is elongated, somewhat compressed at the sides, and covered with large scales. The head length is 2.9-3.2 times the standard body length. The snout is pointed, its length is 1.7-1.9 times less than the length of the head. The small mouth is located on the lower part of the head. Two long chin antennas, the ends of which reach the edge of the gill cover. The tip of the upper jaw does not reach the vertical line passing through the beginning of the eye socket. The upper jaw has fanglike teeth in the anterior part, which change into conical teeth. There are no canine teeth on the lower jaw. There are no teeth on the palate and scutellum. There are 30-34 gill stamens on the first gill arch. There are 27-28 scales on the lateral line.
Features of fish fins
Two dorsal fins, the first has 7-9 (usually 8) barbed rays, the first barb is very short and the second and third are the longest. The second dorsal fin has 9 soft rays. There are 3 transverse rows of scales between the bases of the dorsal fins. The anal fin has 1 hard and 7 soft rays. The last rays of the second dorsal and anal fins are elongated. Pectoral fins have 14-17 soft rays. The caudal fin is forked.
Fish colouring
The body of the Red Sea goatfish is whitish in color, the edges of the scales are yellow. A broad black stripe runs down the body from the upper lip through the eye to the end of the base of the second dorsal fin. The body above this band is grayish green. The upper part of the caudal peduncle is yellow with a rounded black spot. The caudal fin is yellow. Second dorsal and anal fins with narrow blue and yellow stripes. In Mediterranean individuals, the body coloration is pinkish and the stripe along the body is reddish.
Widespread in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden as far as Socotra. One of the most abundant fish in the region. They have entered the Mediterranean through the Suez Canal where they are well established.
Subtropical marine benthic fishes. They live in coastal waters near coral reefs over sandy substrates.
The maximum size of this species is 28.0 cm, the common size is 25.0 cm. The maximum weight is 275.30 g.
Red Sea goatfish form small schools.
Food and feeding habits
In search of food, they constantly swim above the surface, using their sensitive chin antennae to detect prey in the sand. They feed on benthic invertebrates, mainly crustaceans and polychaetes.
Females and males mature first (50% of the population) at a body length of 15.4 cm. Eggs and larvae are pelagic. Life expectancy is 5 years.
This species is not commercially important.
Relationship with a person
Harmless. These fish can be found in the aquarium trade.
Classification | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Squad | Syngnathiformes |
Family | Mullidae |
Genus | Parupeneus |
Species | P. forsskali |
Features | |
Conservation status | Least Concern |
Habitat | Bottom |
Life span, years | 5 |
Maximum body weight, kg | 0,275 |
Maximum length, cm | 28 |
Sailing speed, m/s | No information |
Threat to people | Edible |
Way of eating | Bentophage |
Red Sea goatfish
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