• Purple-spotted bigeye

Latin name

Priacanthus tayenus

Other name

Priacanthus tayenus


A feature of this species is the well-developed spine at the corner of the preopercle. 

Features of fish fins

The caudal fin of juveniles is truncated, but in some large individuals (possibly males) it becomes semilunar.

Fish colouring

The purple-spotted bigeye is red to silver-white with pink tinges. The pelvic fins are covered with small purple to black spots with one or two larger spots closer to the belly. Distribution

Widespread in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Indo-West Pacific: from the Persian Gulf to the west coast of India, east to the Pacific Ocean, where it occurs from Taiwan south to the Arafura Sea and northern Queensland, Australia.


A tropical marine species associated with reefs. Its depth range is 20-200m.


The maximum length of a male of this species is 35 cm. The total length of the same species is 25 cm.


Occupies coral or rocky areas. Sometimes forms schools. Small fish live mainly near the shore. 

Food and feeding habits

Eats a variety of bottom-dwelling animals. 


Nothing is known about the breeding biology of the Purple-spotted Bigeye. 


Of minor commercial importance in fisheries.

Relationship with a person

Harmless. It is usually sold fresh, whole or dried and salted.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Acanthuriformes
Family Priacanthidae
Genus Priacanthus
Species P. tayenus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 35
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Bentophage

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Purple-spotted bigeye

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