Latin name
Coryphaena equiselis
Other name
Coryphaena equiselis
The body of the Pompano dolphinfish is elongated, compressed at the sides, with the greatest height at the nape of the neck being more than 25% of the standard body length. The body tapers gradually to the caudal peduncle, which is covered with fine cycloid scales. The head is large, compressed at the sides, with a rounded profile. The forehead is steep, almost vertical in males. During the spawning season, males grow a bony ridge on the forehead. There are 155-205 scales on the lateral line. The lateral line is slightly wavy above the pectoral fins. Swim bladder absent. Vertebra 33.
Features of fish fins
The dorsal fin is very long with 52-59 soft rays beginning at the head and ending at the caudal peduncle. The anal fin with 24-28 soft rays begins at the center of the body and extends to the caudal peduncle. Pectoral fins are sickle-shaped with an oblique base. The pelvic fins are long, located below the pectoral fins, and may retract into a shallow groove. The caudal fin is crescent-shaped.
Fish colouring
The dorsal surface of the Pompano dolphinfish is bright blue and green, the sides are yellow with gold and metallic colors, and the ventral surface is white or yellow. Numerous small black spots are scattered over the head and body. Juveniles have distinct vertical stripes on the sides.
A warm loving species. Occurs in subtropical and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans. Often misidentified as juvenile or female Coryphaena hippurus.
Marine pelagic-oceanic oceanodromous species. Their habitat depth ranges from 0 to 400 m.
The maximum length of fish of this species is 146 cm, usually up to 50 cm. They live for about 4 years.
A highly migratory species. Mainly found in the ocean, but can enter coastal waters. Pompano dolphinfish form mixed schools with mahi-mahi. Follows boats and can be found under floating objects.
Food and feeding habits
Juveniles feed mainly on crustaceans, especially copepods. Adults switch to feeding on fish. About 25% of the diet consists of flying fish (family Exocoetidae). The diet also includes crabs, shrimp and cephalopods.
In the tropics, it breeds year-round when it reaches 20 cm in length. Larvae reach 4 mm at birth.
This species has limited commercial importance. It is a popular sport fishery in northern South America.
Relationship with a person
Harmless. It is sold fresh and is considered an excellent food fish.
Classification | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Squad | Carangiformes |
Family | Coryphaenidae |
Genus | Coryphaena |
Species | C. equiselis |
Features | |
Conservation status | Least Concern |
Habitat | Pelagic |
Life span, years | 4 |
Maximum body weight, kg | No information |
Maximum length, cm | 146 |
Sailing speed, m/s | No information |
Threat to people | Edible |
Way of eating | Predator |
Pompano dolphinfish
Tags: pompano dolphinfish