Latin name

Brama japonica

Other names

Brama japonica


Brama japonica is a close relative of Brama brama, but can be distinguished by the greater number of gill stamens. 

The body is tall, strongly compressed at the sides, oval in shape; body height is 43-50% of the standard body length. The head is high with a semicircular, steep upper profile. The snout is blunt, the mouth terminal and oblique. There are 17-21 gill stamens on the first gill arch.

Features of fish fins

Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 33-36; Anal spines: 0; anal soft rays: 27-30. Dorsal and anal fins of adults with scales. Scales on caudal peduncle form a graded size series with scales on bases of middle rays of caudal peduncle.

Fish colouring

The body is dark brown with a silvery tinge on the sides. The dorsal and upper edges of the fins are blackish.


Widespread throughout the Pacific Ocean from California to the Sea of Japan, especially in the northern part. Range boundaries change significantly throughout the year. In the winter months they move into the subtropics and in the summer they move into the subarctic region.


Marine; pelagic-oceanic; oceanodromous; tropical species. Depth range 271-620 m. Rarely found in coastal waters.


Maximum length: 61.0 cm. Maximum declared weight: 2.7 kg. Maximum declared age: 9 years.


Do not form spawning aggregations.

Food and feeding habits

The diet of adults consists mainly of cephalopods and fish (mainly of the genus Bathylagus), as well as bocoplaves.


Spawning occurs throughout the subtropical waters from Japan (in the zone of interaction of the Kuroshio and North Pacific currents) to the California Current in water temperatures of 17-21°C. 


Recommended fishing techniques: Vertical fishing with natural baits, speed jigging and slow jigging.

Relationship with a person

Fish fit for consumption.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Perciformes
Family Bramidae
Genus Brama
Species B. japonica
Conservation status Not Evaluated
Habitat Edible
Life span, years 9
Maximum body weight, kg 2,7
Maximum length, cm 61
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Pelagic
Way of eating Predator

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