Latin name

Aetobatus ocellatus

Other name

Whitespotted eagle ray


Compared to A. narinari, A. ocellatus has a longer tail (mean total length 281 mm vs. 263% of total body length) and a longer striae spine (mean length 9.7 mm vs. 8.9% of total body length). Dental plates are arranged in a single row, chevron-shaped on the mandible. Total vertebral midpoint 99-101, including synarcual.

Features of fish fins

Pectoral fin radii about 102-116, excluding the anterior pectoral radii in front of the eyes. 

Fish colouring

The background coloration of the dorsal surface of A. ocellatus is dark greenish/grayish to almost blackish, while in A. narinari it is much paler, from medium yellowish to brownish. 


Indo-Pacific: East Africa, including the Red Sea to Hawaii and French Polynesia.


Tropical marine brackish benthopelagic species. Depth range from 1 to 100 m, usually 20-25 m.


Maximum length 300 cm, total length 180 cm. Maximum declared weight 200 kg.


Occurs in coastal waters, including estuarine habitats. The ocellated ray's foraging range is based on anthropogenic noise, and populations are structured according to ontogenetic stages.

Food and feeding habits

They feed mainly on snails, mussels, crustaceans, worms, octopus and fish.


Ocellated eagle rays exhibit egg-laying ability, as the embryos are initially nourished by the egg yolk and then receive additional nutrients from the mother through indirect absorption of enriched uterine fluid. The gestation period lasts over 12 months and only a few young are born.


Commonly caught in bottom trawl, coastal gillnet and to a lesser extent bottom longline fisheries. 

Relationship with a person

The tail is used for decorative purposes. The flesh is edible. Traumatogenic.

Phylum Chordata
Class Chondrichthyes
Squad Myliobatiformes
Family Aetobatidae
Genus Aetobatus
Species A. ocellatus
Conservation status Endangered
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 200
Maximum length, cm 300
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Ocellated eagle ray

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