Latin name
Epinephelus radiatus
Other name
Epinephelus radiatus
Oblique-banded groupers are characterized by the following features: body depth in SL 2.6-3.0 times greater than in SL; head length 2.1-2. 3 times greater than in SL; interorbital spaces almost flat, profile of the head on the dorsum slightly convex; 2-5 distinctly enlarged denticles on the anterocorneal angle; upper margin of the eyelid almost straight; diameter of the posterior nostril in adults 2-3 times greater than the diameter of the anterior nostril; maxilla reaching perpendicularly to the posterior margin of the eye or extending beyond it; 2 rows of teeth on the median-lateral part of the mandible.
Features of fish fins
Dorsal spines (total): 11; Dorsal soft rays (total): 13 - 15; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 8.
Fish colouring
Oblique-banded grouper has a brownish-brown body coloration with 5 oblique light stripes with dark edges; dark stripes with scattered small black spots and pale spots, especially on the back; light interspaces with small dark brown spots, mostly arranged consecutively along the center of the interspaces; adults with a dark brown line from the lower edge of the eye to the edge of the submandibular fossa; a faint dark band along the maxillary fossa and continuing to the edge of the intermandibular fossa; dorsal and caudal fins covered with small dark spots; juveniles dark brown with pale brown stripes with black edges surrounded by numerous small black spots.
Widespread in the Indo-West Pacific: locally distributed from the Red Sea to Japan and Papua New Guinea. In Japan it is known as Epinephelus morrhua morhua.
A tropical marine demersal species, its depth range is from 18 to 383 meters. This species is rare.
The maximum length of males of this species is 70.0 cm.
Adults live at depths of 80 to 383 m, juveniles at depths of 18 to 20 m, on hard substrate.
Food and feeding habits
Predatory fishes that feed on large invertebrates, mainly crustaceans, and other fishes that prey on or near the bottom.
The species is of minor commercial interest.
The oblique-banded grouper is an important fishery.
Relationship with a person
Classification | |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Squad | Perciformes |
Family | Serranidae |
Genus | Epinephelus |
Species | E. radiatus |
Features | |
Conservation status | Least Concern |
Habitat | Bottom |
Life span, years | No information |
Maximum body weight, kg | No information |
Maximum length, cm | 70 |
Sailing speed, m/s | No information |
Threat to people | Edible |
Way of eating | Predator |
Oblique-banded grouper
Tags: oblique-banded grouper