Latin name

Selene vomer

Other names

Selene vomer Portuguese: galo de penacho, peixe-galo; Spanish: caracaballo, joro bado, papelillo, pez luna.


Brightly silvery and iridescent, it has a deep and extremely compressed body, which can have golden, greenish, bluish or violet highlights. One of the most striking features of this species is the unusually high forehead, as well as the low placement of the mouth and high placement of the eyes. The first rays of the second dorsal fin and anal fin are long and streamlined. In the dorsal fin they may extend all the way to the tail, while in the anal fin they do not extend that far. Lookdowns may also have three or four pale stripes across their lower body. In young fish, two very long thread-like filaments depart from the dorsal fin.


Endemic to the western Atlantic, looking back is found from Maine and Nova Scotia south to Uruguay, as well as in Bermuda and the Gulf of Mexico.


Lookdown prefers coastal shallow water in depths of 2 to 30 feet. It can usually be found on hard or sandy bottom around pilings and bridges, often in muddy water. Occasionally, they are found in small flocks, hovering above the bottom. Smaller fish can be found in estuaries.


Usually, they are 6 to 10 inches long and weigh less than a pound, but lookdowns can reach up to 1 foot in length and weigh 3 pounds. The world record for all tackle is a Brazilian fish weighing 4 pounds 10 ounces.

Life history and Behavior

No information

Food and feeding habits

Lookdown feed on small crabs, shrimp, fish, and worms.


No information

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Carangiformes
Family Carangidae
Genus Selene
Species S. vomer
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 2.1
Maximum length, cm 48.3
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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