Latin name

Parahucho perryi

Other names

Sakhalin taimen, goy, Sachalin-huchen, Parahucho perryi.  


This species differs from the common taimen in having larger scales. There are small teeth on the tongue between two rows of strong teeth. 

In lateral line 109-121 scales; rays of gill membrane 9-13; gill stamens on 1st arch 15-21, counting with germinal ones; pyloric appendages 157-190; vertebrae 56-59.

Features of fish fins

There are dashed black spots on the pectoral, dorsal and caudal fins and rounded or oval spots on the adipose fin. 

Fish colouring

The body is covered with black "x"-shaped and halfmoon spots. Small black spots are present on the head, forehead, gill covers and upper jaw. Juveniles up to 3-4 cm in length have 8-11 transverse stripes on the sides, which disappear at 18-20 cm in length.


Northwest Pacific: Sea of Japan, from the southern Kuril Islands and Primorsky Krai, Russia, to Hokkaido.


Marine, freshwater, brackish, benthopelagic, passageway. Depth range from 0 to 100 m. Prefers temperate climates. One of the largest and oldest salmon species, found primarily in the lower and middle reaches of lakes and rivers. 


Reaches 2 meters in length and 24 kg in weight. Lives to be 16 years old.


In early spring, they spawn in rivers from the coastal areas of the sea. After spawning, the spawners roll immediately or some time later to the pre-spawning areas of the sea. Juveniles live in the river from 2 to 7 years. From small rivers, fry roll out at the age of 2-4 years with a length of 10-25 cm, from large rivers - at the age of 5-7 years with a length of 40-50 cm.

Food and feeding habits

Predators, the basis of the diet of fish: Clupea, Osmerus, Saffron Cod. Juveniles feed mainly on aquatic insects.


This fish takes about eight years to mature and may spawn several times during its lifetime, which is estimated to be about fourteen years. In the spring, females typically lay between 2,000 and 10,000 eggs on the sand or gravel bottom of the river.


Commercial salmon bycatch continues in Russia and Japan. Japanese sport fishermen value these fish as trophies.

Relationship with a person

In Japan, this species is farmed in controlled fishing grounds. 

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Salmoniformes
Family Salmonidae
Genus Parahucho
Species P. perryi
Conservation status Critically Endangered
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years 16
Maximum body weight, kg 24
Maximum length, cm 200
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Predator

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Japanese huchen

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