• Indopacific Tropical Sand Goby

Latin name

Favonigobius reichei

Other name

Tropical sand goby


The body of the Indo-Pacific Tropical Sand Goby is elongated, valvate. The snout is rounded. The mouth is upper. Eyes set high. Air breathing optional.

Features of fish fins

Dorsal spines (total): 7; Dorsal soft rays (total): 8; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 7 - 8.

Fish colouring

The general background of the Indopacific Tropical Sand Goby is grayish with small purple spots. Males may have a small dark spot on the dorsal fin and also have pigtails that are more brightly colored. 


Widespread in the Indo-West Pacific: from East Africa to the Philippines, north to Japan, south to northern Australia.


Tropical, marine, freshwater, brackish, bottom dwelling. Habitat depth range from 0 to 5 m.


This species can reach a length of 8.3 centimeters (3.3 inches).


Amphidromous fish. Prefer muddy or sandy substrates, often with weed growth. Usually live in small groups.

Food and feeding habits

It feeds mainly on small crustaceans. 


There is no captive breeding information for this species.


This species is not commercially important.

Relationship with a person


Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Gobiiformes
Family Gobiidae
Genus Favonigobius
Species F. reichei
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Bottom
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 8,3
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Bentophage

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Indopacific Tropical Sand Goby

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