Latin name

Latimeria menadoensis

Other names

Sulawesi coelacanth, manado-quastenflosser 


Instead of vertebrae, the Indonesian coelacanth has a thick tube containing a highly pressurized fluid. An internal joint divides the fish's skull into two parts, allowing it to lower its lower jaw and raise its upper jaw. The mouth opening is larger, giving the fish a high capacity for sucking food. The brain is very small. Large, bright eyes help the fish adapt to life in the dark.

Features of fish fins

Have 8 lobed fins. The paired fins have bony bands. It is a slow fish, the fin structure allows it to swim in an unusual way. It hits the water hard with its paired fins to accelerate and then glides through the water.

Fish colouring

Externally, the fish does not differ from Latimeria chalumnae, except for the coloration: it is not bluish, but brown. 


West central Pacific: Celebes Sea, north of Sulawesi. 


Deep sea benthic species. Typically inhabits depths of 150-200m, with temperatures between 17°C and 20°C.


Females are larger than males, they can reach up to 180-190 cm, males - up to 140-150 cm. They weigh 50-85 kilograms. A newborn fish weighs about 40 centimeters. 


Do not migrate. They probably live on rocky slopes. 

Food and feeding habits

Predator. Its main diet consists of fish, squid and other mollusks. At night, the Indonesian coelacanth rises to feed and during the day, it dives and hides in underwater caves. 


Egg-living, the embryos have teeth and a developed digestive system before they are born. Sexual maturity occurs by the age of 20, after which reproduction occurs every 3-4 years. Fertilization is internal. 


Not commercially important, of no interest to fishermen.

Relationship with a person

Not suitable for aquarium use. Toxicity is unknown.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinistia
Squad Coelacanthiformes
Family Latimeriidae
Genus Latimeria
Species L. menadoensis
Conservation status Vulnerable
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg 85
Maximum length, cm 190
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Not edible
Way of eating Predator

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Indonesian coelacanth

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