• Daisy parrotfish

Latin name

Chlorurus sordidus

Other name

Bullethead parrotfish


The snout of the daisy parrot fish is rounded. Before sleeping, these fish secrete mucus that envelops them in a dense cocoon. The purpose of this mucus cocoon is not fully understood, but one theory is that it protects the fish from parasitic gnathiids. 

Features of fish fins

Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 9.

Fish colouring

The initial stage of these fish is very variable in colouration. Smaller fish may have a uniform dark brown to light grey colour and may or may not have a light band surrounding a dark spot on the tail. Larger individuals may have several irregular rows of small pale spots towards the tail, or a pale band surrounding a dark spot on the caudal peduncle. The final stage, the male, is also variable and may have a large brown area on the flanks or on the caudal peduncle. 


Widespread in tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, including the Red Sea.


A tropical marine oceanodromous species associated with reefs and preferring brackish waters. Habitat depths range from 0 to 50 m. Occurs both in coral-rich habitats and in open areas of shallow reef flats, on reefs in lagoons and on reefs facing the sea. Juveniles inhabit areas of coral rubble accumulation on reef banks and in lagoons. 


A medium-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 40 centimetres.


Juveniles and females in the early stages of development form large groups that travel long distances between feeding and resting areas. It is a gregarious fish that will swarm with other parrotfish such as Scarus psittacus.

Food and feeding habits

Daisy parrotfish feed on bottom dwelling algae. 


This species is an ancestral hermaphrodite and sex change occurs when individuals reach a total length of 35.1-47.2 centimetres (13.8-18.6 inches).


Daisy parrotfish are of commercial interest and are sometimes collected for the aquarium trade.

Relationship with a person

Reports of ciguatera poisoning.

Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Squad Labriformes
Family Scaridae
Genus Chlorurus
Species C. sordidus
Conservation status Least Concern
Habitat Pelagic
Life span, years No information
Maximum body weight, kg No information
Maximum length, cm 40
Sailing speed, m/s No information
Threat to people Edible
Way of eating Planktonophage

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Daisy parrotfish

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